

  • katiekrusher
    katiekrusher Posts: 143
    I really appreciate all the help, you guys are lifesavers. I literally wrote all this stuff on sticky notes and put it on my fridge!
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    While these are all excellent ways to keep from overeating - the main thing is, when you're ready to lose weight, you'll do it. Sounds simple, I know, but when it becomes the thing you WANT to do - you'll do it. There is only one way to lose - eat less/healthier foods, move more. I wish you good luck. :smile:
  • mrsmandywood
    I so have the same problem, I can eat a plate full of veg and will still be hungry, even when I know I am not hungry i'm thinking about what to eat and look in the cupboards! constant battle with myself. If you find a solution that works let me know lol, really need to lose this weight so can start my family.
  • Kelli2u
    Kelli2u Posts: 5 Member
    Yes according to my dietician Fish Oil does seem to decrease the appitite. I have been on it for so long though that I am not sure, it has so many benifits. Being a cardiac nurse and being terrified of being one of my patients I take it religously. My dogs are on it too due to the request of my vet to put them on it, they also have been on a restricted diet and are doing very well with weight loss.