Huge salads

I have recently started eating double the amount of lettuce in my about 4 cups. I have found it keeps me nice and full and I LOVE seeing a full plate. I have also started having cucumber for my snack and have found it keeps me feeling satisfied. Anyone else find this helpful? What other things do you eat to keep that full/satisfied feeling?


  • Nacima26
    Nacima26 Posts: 28 Member
    hot camomile tea with 1 or 2 splenda . thats helps me alot when i feel like eating, but dont wanna go over my allowed calories
  • enchantedbunny
    Definitely! Especially if it's a water-filled lettuce like romaine. :)

    I've recently been on a papaya kick. It's incredibly low calorie, high fiber, and great for a filling, sweet dessert.
  • alienrite
    alienrite Posts: 314 Member
    My wife eats a 2lb salad 6 days a week. She has been super successful at keeping herself lean and the big salad is a key piece
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    I love to snack on sunflower seeds that are already out of the shell. I buy unsalted, and 1 tbsp is 47 calories, 1 fiber, 2 protein 2 carb, and 68 potassium. I also love to make hummus and have it with celery sticks or carrots. And since this is a salad post, I love putting the sunflower seeds on my salad, and the other day I had dried blueberries and crumbled goat cheese on an arugula salad! I never put fruit on my salads but recently I love putting it in my salads. The other day I had a huge romaine, onion, cucumber, tomato, sardine, sunflower seeds, and mango salad. It was delicious!
  • Saiklor
    Saiklor Posts: 183
    I do the same thing with asparagus. I'll eat 2+ cups of it roasted or barbecued with some form of lean meat on the side. It fills me up so much and I *love* not feeling deprived!

    I also can eat an entire roasted butternut squash in one sitting (maybe 1.5-2 cups worth?) again, I love not feeling deprived! Full plates are awesome!
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    ~ Greens, Greens and more Greens ! You can't go wrong with a " HUGE " salad ! I also take Kale, Beet Tops, Rainbow Chard, Parsley and Spinach ... put in blender with fresh blueberries, raspberries and strawberries ... add a Fage 0% nonfat Greek Yogurt and 6 ice cubes ... blend that all together and .... that is one powerhouse drink ! Mmmmmmmmmm ......
  • Shelgirl001
    Shelgirl001 Posts: 477 Member
    I just love raw veggies like broccoli and cauliflower and cukes and tomatoes and well, almost any veggie, really. Sweet pea pods are great. Carrots, celery, Yummm!!! Fruit is good raw, too, like grapes and peaches and apple slices. I have been taking to having just a granny smith green apple with some jif natural peanut butter for my lunch during the week when I am at work. It is sooo delish!!