New meds and their challenging side effects

I have a problem! My doctor put me on a BC pill that is supposed to help with my cysts and endometriosis scaring. So far I have not gained any weight, gotten acne or had horrible mood swings. Slight mood swings but not horrible ones. I am really happy with the pill so far except two things...
I WANT ANYTHING THAT I DON'T NORMALLY EAT! I eat healthy, and I do mean healthy. I never go over my daily calorie intake, I am used to working out 30 minutes or more 5-6 days a week and having a great sleep pattern. After starting this medication I have been more tired, I struggle to WANT to workout and get out and about and my snacking has sky rocketed! I again haven't gain any weight but I haven't lost any either. With the more sugary and snacky foods here and there since my body isn't used to more sugar and added fats anymore I am lathargic...
My other doctor gave me two very low dose anti anxiety pills and I am hoping they help my anxiety disorder as well as help me get back into a happy mental state. That can always help when you are feeling down about things that you are off about in your normal to do's. But I don't know what to do. This medication is the only one that hasn't had horrible side effects and has helped my endometriosis... but it is so hard to deal with the cravings...
Any thoughts?