New Zealand and Australians..

So I am going to reward myself with some new running shoes if I bet my goal for my 10km on Sunday and if I run at least 36km over the week.
What are some amazing women running shoes? Where can I buy cheap but decent ones from? I am a poor student so dont want to pay $200 but I know it will be worth it if I have to.

Thank yoou :)

(PS, Feel free to add me if your from these two places, Im from nz :) )


  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    If you're going to buy new running shoes you really need to go to a store focused on that. Your gait need to be determined and whether you roll feet (suplination) while running. They do not need to be 100s of dollars. Just let them know you're a student and tight with money so you're looking for an on sale shoe that fits you best. It all depends on your feet and your way of running. There is not 1 best shoe out there.

    Last year I switched over from normal running shoes, to ones picked out for my feet. Trust me, you'll never want it otherwise. It'll help prevent injury, make the runs easier and help you run faster.
  • Steen_bean
    Steen_bean Posts: 33 Member
    I know I can go to shoeclinc and get my feet tested, but the shoes there are sooo expensive. I dont really know where else I can go in the place where I live. It might be a road trip to a bigger city hehe
  • piratesaregrand
    piratesaregrand Posts: 356 Member
    I went to shoe clinic and athletes foot to get fitted, both gave me a range of shoes at a range of prices.
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    It really depends on your needs, the different types of activities you'll be doing whilst wearing them and your foot shape! However I absolutely LOVE :heart: ASICS. I refuse to wear any other brand! They have a wide range of shoes that suit different activity types and aren't too expensive, depending on a few different factors. I bought new Asics in January and they cost $180.00 but they last for years and really support my foot perfectly for the variety of different sports/activities I do. I have been wearing Asics since I was about 10 years old and have never had another brand really since --- because why change when you've found something that's REALLY good right? xxx :smile: