Eating Clean



  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    Well, it can't hurt to try it out to see how it works for you and your lifestyle. But, I do not practice any form of food restriction. In the past, it was a setup for failure. Of course, I do incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables into my nutrition plan, but I also eat whatever I want, but in moderation. I am strict calorie counter and I am avid exerciser, in this new lifestyle has given me the results that food restriction never did. I feel that food restrictions can create an unhealthy relationship with food in some individuals. For me there are so many different foods that I want to try and recipes that I have to cook, and I would be utterly unhappy if I were limited to only certain meals. I strongly believe in the practice of calorie counting and everything in moderation, but of course there are others who would bash this method of a healthy lifestyle. So, it is totally up to you and what will work for you. Best wishes! :-)
    This ^^^

    I have the totally same attitude tbh. As of today im trying to eat more fruit and healthier foods BUT i do believe in a healthy balance. Like if i really wanted some choc i'd have something like a 2 finger kit kat, only about 100 and something cals, nice little fix without going over board. If i was to only eat fruit, veg and chicken salads all the time i'd get bored and probs end up binging on all the stuff i like there fore its best to just eat the stuff you like but within your cal goal :smile:
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Calorie deficit = weight loss.
    Eating clean = health

    That being said, good food choices can aid in weight loss but if you are eating clean to the tune of more calories than your TDEE then eating clean =/= weight loss.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I currently read a fitness magazine that promotes clean eating, yet it is loaded with advertisements for supplement bars and drinks.

    1.) Are supplement bars and drinks considered "clean"?

    2.) Has anyone lost weight by clean eating?

    Thanks, in advance, for your advice and input.
    Prepare to be mind blown.

    Awesome article!
  • mandy031383
    mandy031383 Posts: 94 Member
    I eat about 75/25 percent clean. I make almost all of my food at home from whole natural ingrediants. Bairly eat anything prepackaged or already made except whole wheat bread, and when I occasionally eat out with friends. I found the website and they have a bunch of great recipes includeing ones for "protein bars" which are great an easy to make. The recipes are all for multiple serving and there are some things that freeze well so I make one batch and then get 6 servings out of it freeze them n then have them for the week or two. You get the conveniance but without all the extra processed garbage.
  • Reignofmongo
    Reignofmongo Posts: 137
    I suppose clean could have different meanings... But the term I'm familiar with refers to food that are basic, and low cal. meats that are low in fat for example would be considered clean, as would carbs that are fibrous. Clean fats would be fats that are unsaturated and heart healthy.