Need help with a workout routine.

What's going on everybody? I'm new to the site as well as new to the working out scene. I'm ashamed to even say this, but at 21 years of age, I've never attempted a workout program or even tried to get in shape until now. After finally realizing that it's time for a change for a healthier future, I've decided to watch what I eat and start working out. I've started slow, and only have been dieting for a little over a month now, and it's given me great results but fat loss isn't my only objective. I'm looking to get in great shape, being fit and healthy, and overall mainly just being happy about my physique which I am not at all. I'm 21 years old, 5 foot 6 inches and 176 pounds (overweight for my height according to BMI).

Anyways, I have absolutely NO idea about anything when it comes to working out. I honestly don't even know where to being and I feel completely overwhelmed. I have a lot of fit friends who do go to the gym and have their own workout routines but I'm too embarrassed to ask them for their help, honestly. I'm hoping you guys will be able to help me get on the right track to get fit and help me understand and know exactly what I'm doing. I'm looking to get a routine for myself to help me lose fat but gain muscle as well. I don't want to be a twig but I also don't want to be too big. I just want to have strength and look great. In a week or so, I'm starting running to help lose the fat so I'll be doing that along with working out.

As for equipment that I have:

- Bench & Barbell with up to 350 lbs of weights
- Pull Up Bar
- Dumbbells with up to 35 lb of weights
- Resistance bands (not sure up to what weight exactly)

Any help will be GREATLY appreciated and if there is anything that you need to know to help me then please feel free to ask because I feel as if I didn't explain myself clear enough even in this long post. I look forward to getting replies from you guys.

As of now, I've found a good amount of routines that I'm interested in but not sure at all if they're right for me. Please let me know!
