Kettlebell workout

Does anyone do kettlebell workouts? I love them soooooooo much. For a DVD, it's never boring, even though I do the same one all the time. I use the Bob Harper Cardio Shred Inside Out workout (45 min) with a 10lb kettlebell. It's intense enough to have me dripping with sweat. I didn't care for the Jillian Michaels series as there was too much jumping around. I think some of the toning is isometric as well, especially the halo move that is not on the video, but I incorporate it. I can't do the burpee moves at all, so I do JM style boxing. The kettlebell workout involves tons of squats, but it is really a total body workout with cardio and strength training. Can't recommend it enough! Oh, and I burn about 10 cals per minute!

It's the ONLY exercise routine (combined with food tracking) that made me lose some inches and pounds, and I didn't have much to lose. I would go to a gym and do all the machines and the elliptical but not see results and realize now I was just never pushing myself hard enough. I tried C25K, but it's hard to find time to get out of the house to do that with 4 yr old twins.


  • sarah692
    sarah692 Posts: 136 Member
    Oh, I haven't tried any Bob Harper stuff yet. I use Sarah Lurie's Iron Core vol 1 (well.. I used to, haven't used kettlebells in awhile) and I like it. I felt sooo much stronger within two weeks. Not really sure if I lost any weight/inches with it as I wasn't measuring at the time but I felt great.
  • Ayirela
    Ayirela Posts: 204 Member
    I got an 8kg kbell and love love love it. I've not tried any of the DVDs though. I only started with the beginner kettlebells on .... I've been too scared to order DVD's because I read so many horror stories if you don't get the RKC then you don't learn form.... I am a complete n00b to the KBELL but from what I have used of it along side of OMG it was the best piece of equipment out there! I love it!!! My thighs are on fire like something fierce! LOL