2 months at the gym and no results! :(

hi everyone!

iv been going to the gym for the past 2 months, being doing about 45 min of cardio and 30 minutes of general weights and i still see no change what so ever at all!


i think im eating pretty healthy !
(my diary is open, and if you guys look at it - i dont this week i was doing more exercise than normal and not eating so much that was because of a massive binge i had last sunday night, so pleease ignore that i dont know why i ate so much just food, i never do it!)

i pretty much eat the same meals for breakfast and lunch, and i plan meals ahead as well as that stops me from eating unhealthy.

if anyone has any tips for me that would be great!!!
i still have a little weight on my legs and tummy area that i want to loose and tone up.
i know they say abs are made in the kitchen but its so hard when i dont know where im going wrong and me being such a fussy eater its really hard!
( i dont like eggs, tuna, salad, most green veggies i dont like either, its so hard! )

so if anyone can help, it would be amazing!!!!!!!



  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    I can see a difference for sure, try heavier weights do more strength training, this will help cut a little more fat. You look great!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Your legs and midsection have clearly tightened up. Anyway, how often are you working out? What does your weight routine look like? There are a lot of processed foods in your diary - cook from fresh with the raw ingredients where you can; vegetables, fruit, meat, legumes. Also, don't punish yourself for a binge - there's no need to undereat following one. Just eat as you normally would.
  • KarenAnnne
    KarenAnnne Posts: 190 Member
    Wow! the difference is quite evident. It's a big transformation. Should we worry YOU don't see it. Give yourself a pat on your back and keep up the good work
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    hi everyone!

    iv been going to the gym for the past 2 months, being doing about 45 min of cardio and 30 minutes of general weights and i still see no change what so ever at all!


    i think im eating pretty healthy !
    (my diary is open, and if you guys look at it - i dont this week i was doing more exercise than normal and not eating so much that was because of a massive binge i had last sunday night, so pleease ignore that i dont know why i ate so much just food, i never do it!)

    i pretty much eat the same meals for breakfast and lunch, and i plan meals ahead as well as that stops me from eating unhealthy.

    if anyone has any tips for me that would be great!!!
    i still have a little weight on my legs and tummy area that i want to loose and tone up.
    i know they say abs are made in the kitchen but its so hard when i dont know where im going wrong and me being such a fussy eater its really hard!
    ( i dont like eggs, tuna, salad, most green veggies i dont like either, its so hard! )

    so if anyone can help, it would be amazing!!!!!!!


    I see a major difference. dont be so hard on yourself. I'd look into "New Rules of Lifting" for women.
  • lizzie093
    lizzie093 Posts: 81
    thanks guys! its hard to see :(

    Ironanimal, i work out pretty much every day, but i give myself a day off once a fortnight.
    what do you mean by weight routine?
    i use 45-60 minutes of cardio and them about 30 minutes just on the weights.
    i eat frozen vegetables all the time, but that's only because i HATE fresh vegetables such as green leafy ones, i cant stand them i gag every time i eat them.
    i try to eat non processed foods, its just really hard when im the only one in my family who is trying to eat right.
    any tips for simple fresh foods?

    thanks again for the support! :)
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    I definitely see a difference. You look great!
  • fight4newme
    fight4newme Posts: 10 Member
    I think there is a big difference! Have you tried taking your measurements? Or wear some old pants? I'm sure you'll see the difference there! Also maybe you should drink more water .I saw at your diary that you drink up to 3 glasses a day. You should try more. I read an article somewhere that when you lose weight it takes a while for the brain to register your new image. That's probably why you think there are no results. Anyway AMAZING job. Keep up the good work and I'll send you the article if I find it : )
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    Definitely increase your water to 10+ glasses/day (maybe you don't record a lot of water it's pretty easy to skip over)
    Try and flip your work out do 45-60 mins of weights and 20-30of cardio, you look great adding more weights will attack that hard to cut body fat.

    cottage cheese
    greek yogurt
    protein shakes
    peanut butter
    salsa- it's low cal, high flavor
    pico de gaio
    brown rice
  • lizzie093
    lizzie093 Posts: 81
    thankyou everyone!! and thanks for all the tips :)
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    thanks guys! its hard to see :(

    Ironanimal, i work out pretty much every day, but i give myself a day off once a fortnight.
    what do you mean by weight routine?
    i use 45-60 minutes of cardio and them about 30 minutes just on the weights.
    i eat frozen vegetables all the time, but that's only because i HATE fresh vegetables such as green leafy ones, i cant stand them i gag every time i eat them.
    i try to eat non processed foods, its just really hard when im the only one in my family who is trying to eat right.
    any tips for simple fresh foods?

    thanks again for the support! :)
    Okay, well first of all when I ask what your routine looks like I mean what exercises are you doing with the weights? I tried to wing it on my own program when I first started at the gym and although I did make some progress, it was very slow. I would highly recommend you take a look at the Stronglifts 5 x 5 program.

    Second of all - 1 day a fortnight isn't enough rest for your body. You would be better off working a program that is either 3 days a week lifting for 45mins - 1 hour with 2 days of cardio, or 3 days lifting followed by 15-20 mins cardio (which works because glycogen stores should be depleted at this point) and 2 days doing your big cardio session without weights. I suspect you'll be more comfortable with the latter option as you work out so much. I personally struggle to stay upright on a stationary bike after my weights sessions.

    Frozen veg is great and is one of my go-to solutions as well. I'm not a fan of salads - they make me feel like a rabbit. Try stir-frying in extra virgin olive oil - usually makes a good mix of vegetables much more edible. Don't be scared of Olive Oil because of its fat content. If you can, try roasting your veggies as well.

    When I want some protein quickly I either hit a protein shake or a tin of tuna. Tuna is about as interesting as watching paint dry so I understand your dislike but it has very high protein per gram of weight. Is salmon more palletable to you?

    Keep a fruit bowl with oranges, apples, bannanas and a punnet strawberries in your fridge - strawberries are low cal, very sweet and high in fiber. I'm not the one to ask about veg - not a big fan.

    Have some nuts somewhere handy as well; nice hit of calories, protein and fats in a handful. You can buy unsalted if you're concerned about sodium.
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    ^^^ everything this man said is gold
  • lizzie093
    lizzie093 Posts: 81
    I dont really have a set program at all, i just do a round at the gym, the weights section is in a circle sort of so i just go around there a few times. its in my diary of the machines i use.
    i have also just bought an exercise ball off ebay and will start using that.

    im the ONLY person in my family who wants to eat healthy, and im not a very good cook so its hard to eat healthy by doing it all on my own and not eat processed foods :(
    i work full time and my days usually start at 6am so its hard to pack my lunch so i usually stick to a sandwich and piece of fruit,
    (i work at mcdonalds so anything is better than eating that every day!! haha)
    for dinner im sick of having the plain brown rice and veggies with a peice of chicken or fish it gets boring after a while, so i give up and eat when my family eat for dinner which is something ususally high in fats, salt and calories.

    starting next week im going to be eating more greek yoghurt and berries as i know they are really good for me!!
    and yes - i am defsssssss doing to try and increase my water intake, i really need to. having about half a bottle of water at the gym is what im used to.
  • omanitshann
    omanitshann Posts: 179
    Based on your diary, it looks like you're burning a lot of calories, and doing everything right in the gym...but your not eating enough. Try eating closer to 2,000 calories a day.
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    Lose most of the machines and use free weights. Lift what you can only manage to get up fully 10 times, then only do 3 sets to start. Surely your gym has someone to instruc/explain how?
  • lizzie093
    lizzie093 Posts: 81
    thanks for that mcbully! ill take a read of that tomorrow, its too late to read that now going to bed for work soon :( haha

    its so hard to eat that much! im full from what i eat during the days though, i have allready boosted it up alot more than it used to be.

    as for calorie burning - my friend mentioned to me that the gym machine reading of calorie burning are usually over estimating more than i actually do, so im waiting for my new heart rate monitor to come in the mail and actually see what i actually burn before i increase my food intake if that makes sense :) haha
  • DyanCB
    DyanCB Posts: 138 Member
    Wow! the difference is quite evident. It's a big transformation. Should we worry YOU don't see it. Give yourself a pat on your back and keep up the good work

    I agree with this poster. I see a HUGE difference and am concerned that YOU don't see the difference. We usually don't see the difference in the mirror but pics usually scream the truth.

    Other ways to tell the difference - are you tracking body fat %, your measurements? I absolutely agree with the need to know you are making progress outside of the silly, lying scale :)

    I don't know what you are doing to exercise but if you are not lifting weights maybe you can start. This will help to define you and burn fat 24/7!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member

    Read it - ignore the spammy crap. You don't need to pay for anything - their program is free. Ditch machines. Free weights are much better.
  • KStambulic
    KStambulic Posts: 131
    Definitely increase your water to 10+ glasses/day (maybe you don't record a lot of water it's pretty easy to skip over)
    Try and flip your work out do 45-60 mins of weights and 20-30of cardio, you look great adding more weights will attack that hard to cut body fat.


    If you are doing a weight routine of low weight, high reps (anything over 10-12 reps is too high) then what you are basically doing is more cardio, in my opinion. If you can comfortably do 10 reps, then up your weights. You want to be able to feel what you are lifting; it shouldn't feel effortless. Machines are ok for certain exercises but like the others said, free weights are better for building stability and help you focus more on your form.
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    It's possible that you are like me, no matter what, I cannot see a difference in my body. To me I look the same today as I did 68 lbs ago when I started. It's really strange too....and I works both ways as well, when I was gaining weight I couldn't notice. But, the most awesome part is that other people can :)