Returning member... introduction

Hello! My name is Julie, I'm 36 y/o and live in London. I'm American by birth but also have my British citizenship after living here for 5 years. I lost a load of weight on WW back in 2007 before I moved over here. When it started creeping back up on me a few years ago, I used MFP on my mobile to help me lose what I'd gained back rather than start back on WW. Unfortunately, once I was happy with my weight loss, I complete stopped tracking my cals and eventually the creep-back began again as I just slowly started adopting bad habits again. I haven't gained too much back - no where near where I was 5 years ago - but my clothes just aren't fitting well any more and I can't afford to get a whole new wardrobe!

My goal this time around is to lose the weight I've gained back but more importantly, to keep up my food tracking once I DO reach my goal so I can try to maintain and not have to go through the hassle of this again! My husband is dieting with me as he too has put on what he loss when we did MFP together last time. It's SO much easier when both of us are doing it together because I don't have to see all the junk he's eating that I can't! :P

Intake wise, I'm eating at my BMR + 200 cals (roughly 1670) plus eating back everything I exercise off where I can. Trying to eat more veg and protein and less carbs / sugars as well. My biggest difficulty is cutting back on alcohol, wine in particular. Wine is my achilles heel - that and dark chocolate.

Last time I did MFP, I didn't use the forums or social aspects at all but think I will do this time around.... if anyone is looking for MFP friends for support, feel free to add me.

Nice to meet you all!


  • tryinghard71
    tryinghard71 Posts: 593
    Welcome back!
  • Lindaendall
    Lindaendall Posts: 177 Member
    Yes - welcome back.

    I am almost at my goal and I am determined to keep tracking to ensure I keep the weight off. I have spent my whole life on and off diets, losing weight and ALWAYS putting it back on. I had a wardrobe that consisted of 3 different sizes of clothes, the fat me (UK16-18), the skinny me (UK 12) and the 'me most of the time me' (UK 14). I have got rid of 2 of them and now I only have the skinny me so I have got to keep it off!!!

    Good luck on your journey :smile:
