am i ever going to lose this last few pounds?

Hi, Im really fed up ATM with the last few ponds i want to lose. Ive tried upping my calories lowering them staggering them, upping exercise lowering it but nothing works, i gain or lose a couple of ponds when TOM is due but then i stick around the 121 pound mark again. I have this dougnut of fat on my tummy all the time.

in 4ft 9"
121 pounds
body fat % around 32%

started on 1200 calories but play around now to try and get things moving
work our 3 - 4 times a week using treadmill for 1 hr then weight machines for 30 - 45 mins
also do kettle bells at home twice a week

please help before i just give up and resign myself to the fact im staying like this forever


  • justrun52
    justrun52 Posts: 74 Member
    I can relate, plateaus stink. From my own experience, all I can recommend is that you eat more calories, and try a new exercise or increase your distance, frequency, and intensity of your current exercise. You could also try switching up your diet, even if you are eating very healthy, try incorporating new foods that you don't usually eat. Hope that helps!
  • kellyleekyle
    kellyleekyle Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, I have tried to mix things up, it's not worked
  • kellyleekyle
    kellyleekyle Posts: 21 Member
  • kellyleekyle
    kellyleekyle Posts: 21 Member
  • ashbee03
    ashbee03 Posts: 274 Member
    i have plateued before too.
    and i lost all motivation, and gained my weight back.
    i don't know how to fix it.
    all i've heard or been told is to try new things.
    it's your body adjusting to it's new level of fitness.

    stop changing things so often.
    up your workouts, and up your calories a bit.
    & then it will come off, just take a bit longer.

    hope it helps !
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    It will happen. A few possibilities...
    Make sure you're measuring correctly.
    How's your fiber? At least 20g/day?
    At least 8 cups of liquid a day?
    As a chocoholic, I hate to say it, but try lowering the amount of sweets. Don't cut them completely, but for just the last pound or so reduce them?
    Just a bit more exercise? Again, mostly to get over the plateau. Maybe a different type of exercise? As you get more fit, the same old exercises are easier and have less of an effect.
    Best wishes... you'll get there if you keep trying!
  • debbiestine
    debbiestine Posts: 265 Member
    When I hit "view full report" at bottom of page and looked at the last 3 days- your sugar is way too high and your fiber is usually too low. I would decrease carbs to no more than 100 and up your protein a little. It should be 1.1 times your lean body mass(weight minus fat). Goodluck!
  • kellyleekyle
    kellyleekyle Posts: 21 Member
    It's my prementrel week so I'm craving chocolate like a mad woman ATM. I drink at least 8 cups of green tea a day so I do get water. I've just bought some protein bars so hopefully they'll help.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    It's my prementrel week so I'm craving chocolate like a mad woman ATM. I drink at least 8 cups of green tea a day so I do get water. I've just bought some protein bars so hopefully they'll help.
    Can totally understand the chocolate craving then! That probably explains the plateau too. There was another topic about premenstrual weight gain, and women were saying they gained from one to ten pounds, which was lost after. Glad you're getting the water, that will also help clear the bloating in a bit. Also check the fiber. Good luck!
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    Granted, I'm a bit taller than you, but I would HIGHLY recommend upping your calories to maybe 1,400. Have you calculated your BMR? If I eat less than that, the scale does not move. Slightly more, and it melts off.

    Good luck!
  • hillm12345
    hillm12345 Posts: 313 Member
    When my scale stopped moving, I started eating more and it moved again. However, if you do a search in the forums, it's a hot topic and hasn't worked for everyone.

    Because everyone is different.. you may have better luck just guessing and checking. Good Luck!
  • jsuaccounting
    jsuaccounting Posts: 189 Member
    Have you already tried strict low carb for a couple of weeks?
  • waffleflavoredtea
    waffleflavoredtea Posts: 235 Member
    Hi, I have tried to mix things up, it's not worked
    Specifically HOW have you tried mixing things up?
  • kellyleekyle
    kellyleekyle Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, I've mixed things up by changing my treadmill routine, ie some days I run, somedays I do 15% incline, different speeds, adding hand foot weights etc. I've tried upping my calories, lowering and zig zagging them, I've not tried a really low carb diet though, could this be the answer? I thought it was unhealthy to go too low
  • WaxMama
    WaxMama Posts: 369 Member
    I have friends who had raised their calories to maintanance level for a week hoping to go back down and finally start losing again. When they raised it, they started losing again so they left it there! If you haven't tried to calculate your BMR (under tools) I would highly suggest it. It's the amount of calories your body needs to perform basic functions- it's what you would burn if you stayed in bed all day. You should be eating at least that or you risk going into starvation mode! MFP calculated my calories at 1200 and my BMR is roughly 1450- once I bumped it up, I started losing more easily. Good luck!