cwright00 is having a problem with Motivation

I'm new to maintaining a healthy lifestyle with diet and exercise,Never tried dieting before 2012 and exercise is so boring to me when I'm alone. I went a month strong eating right and exercising regularly and lost 15 lbs,but lately I have no motivation to continue even though I have changed a few eating habits. I'm want to get back motivated and exercising because I want to live a healthy lifestyle for my and my children.


  • DzLady
    DzLady Posts: 12
    I completely understand about the exercise being boring by yourself. I am going this alone, too. I have a few friends from FB that are doing this with me and we started a group there. Since I found this site not long ago, I have almost quit reporting to FB on my struggles and accomplishments. I'll send you an friend request.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi, there !

    Telling you how or why you should exercise isn't really going to help ...... you already know all that ...... we can make suggestions, but you're the one who has to put your mind to it & follow through. I used to hate "exercise" ..... but I like to walk & that's how I started ...... walking around the neighborhood ..... or walking a few times around the supermarket before actually getting down to buying anything ...... same thing with the mall ..... (love the A/C during the summer)

    These baby steps worked ..... several years later, here I am with a gym membership & a passion for cardio, weights & yoga ...... I've met lots of nice people there & am having a great time ..... who knew LOL

    What "exercises" do you like ..... and how can you create a life where you actually do some "E" on a steady basis ?