What is the best foods to eat while dieting?

It's all so confusing lol


  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    first off, you have to think of this as a lifestyle change -- diets are temporary, and do not lead to lasting weight loss. If you think of it as temporary, your weight loss will be too. simple as that.

    eat fresh foods - avoid packaged foods.
    low fat doesn't necessarily equal healthy.
    watch you sodium.
    eat high protein, high fiber.
    avoid too much fruit - too much sugar!
    drink a lot of water.

    some staples in my house are....
    greek yogurt
    protein powder
    natural peanut butter
    cocoa powder
    fresh veggies (eggplant, zucchini, yellow squash, carrots, spinach, romaine, mushrooms, onion)
    beans (white kidney beans/cannellini beans, chickpeas, black beans)
    coconut and/or almond milk - unsweetened
    eggs & egg whites
    chicken breast
    ground turkey
    canned pumpkin
    frozen veggies (broccoli, cauliflower - NOTHING SAUCED OR SEASONED)
    low fat/lite salad dressings
    pistachios, cashews, almonds
    reduced sodium cottage cheese
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    fruits, veggies, healthy proteins like turkey, fish, chicken, and eggs. you can splurge on occasion if you want. try not to think of it as a diet though. just modifying what you eat now :)
  • sdoldsMD2013
    sdoldsMD2013 Posts: 128
    In my opinion, it is better to count calories and use moderation than to limit the intake of certain foods. But, do whatever works best for your lifestyle. I wish you all the best on your journey!
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Lean meats, fresh fruits and veggies, low fat dairy, nuts and whole grains. Simple deal.
    Eat this way today, tomorrow and every day for the rest of your life:bigsmile:
    Seriously, don't look at it as a "diet". Just eat normal foods.
    Have fun, and every now and again, treat yourself to something really, really bad like pies, cakes, cheeseburgers and pizza.....
    Life is to be lived!
  • alp1990
    alp1990 Posts: 56
    Hey :)

    To be honest I eat what I want to eat and just monitor my calories and micros as the day goes on. Why not add a few people with open diaries to get a feel for what others are eating. I'm sure some people on here will tell you that you need to eat "clean" all the time whilst dieting, but to be honest I eat bread, bbq ribs, burgers etc. All calorie accounted for of course, and i'm losing lots of weight.

    Basically, just look at things you'd normally eat and maybe adjust the portion size or if its still too high, then look for a healthier alternative that doesn't taste gross.
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    everyone is going to say its a "lifestyle change" lifestyle change/ diet pretty much same thing .... I started out by going fat free and slowly changed things in my diet... takes a looooong time !!!!!
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    for me -
    lettuce, tomatoes, zucchini, avocado
    chicken, steak, bacon, pork
    sour cream, butter, cream, cheese
    and nuts.

    just no unhealthy carbs
  • run2jeepn
    run2jeepn Posts: 183 Member
    My Staples are Chicken Breast, Green Beans and a Low Calorie-Low Carb High Protein Shake.
  • lemasney
    lemasney Posts: 67 Member
    first off, you have to think of this as a lifestyle change -- diets are temporary, and do not lead to lasting weight loss. If you think of it as temporary, your weight loss will be too. simple as that.

    eat fresh foods - avoid packaged foods.
    low fat doesn't necessarily equal healthy.
    watch you sodium.
    eat high protein, high fiber.
    drink a lot of water.

    some staples in my house are....
    greek yogurt
    protein powder
    natural peanut butter
    cocoa powder
    fresh veggies (eggplant, zucchini, yellow squash, carrots, spinach, romaine, mushrooms, onion)
    beans (white kidney beans/cannellini beans, chickpeas, black beans)
    coconut and/or almond milk - unsweetened
    eggs & egg whites
    chicken breast
    ground turkey
    canned pumpkin
    frozen veggies (broccoli, cauliflower - NOTHING SAUCED OR SEASONED)
    low fat/lite salad dressings
    pistachios, cashews, almonds
    reduced sodium cottage cheese

    All good advice. Especially the lifestyle part.
  • sdoldsMD2013
    sdoldsMD2013 Posts: 128
    Hey :)

    To be honest I eat what I want to eat and just monitor my calories and micros as the day goes on. Why not add a few people with open diaries to get a feel for what others are eating. I'm sure some people on here will tell you that you need to eat "clean" all the time whilst dieting, but to be honest I eat bread, bbq ribs, burgers etc. All calorie accounted for of course, and i'm losing lots of weight.

    Basically, just look at things you'd normally eat and maybe adjust the portion size or if its still too high, then look for a healthier alternative that doesn't taste gross.

    Totally agree with this!! :-)
  • dlcam61
    dlcam61 Posts: 228 Member
    Lean protein, fresh veggies & fruits (though too much fruit = too much sugar), try to avoid sweeteners, processed foods & too much sodium. Whole grains in moderation, avoid white flour foods. Oh, and limit sugar such as granulated, added to foods, beverages etc. And something I read recently which has stuck with me, when you see low fat or sugar free think chemical *kitten* storm & avoid it. Those highly processed foods are not healthy. I also use unsweetened almond coconut milk & no sugar added protein powder for a shake. I have also used this to add to my coffee instead of sugary creamers. Take care! And exercise well :flowerforyou:
  • stefanieceleste0530
    stefanieceleste0530 Posts: 177 Member
    In my opinion, it is better to count calories and use moderation than to limit the intake of certain foods. But, do whatever works best for your lifestyle. I wish you all the best on your journey!

    This is also the belief I have. I don't believe in "diets" because, eventually, you stop dieting. I look at what I'm doing as a permanent change. I still eat WHATEVER I want to eat....and sometimes that includes "bad" things...but I'm doing it in moderation and I'm staying within my calorie goal for the day. I refuse to eat something I don't like just because it's supposed to be good for me...eventually I will give up and go right back to what I was doing before (I know, because I've done that!). That being said, I do make better choices sometimes because I'll look at the calorie count in something and think "that is SO not worth it!" and go find something better.

    The best advice I can give you is to use trial and error to find out what works for you. Good luck!!!
  • Thankyou all!! Really quick replies!
    I am trying to think of this as a lifestyle change, I want to be healthier and fitter, not just for me but for my children aswell.
    It's all new to me at the moment, iv been eating better and learning portion control for about a week and so far so good :) xx
  • casperuk
    casperuk Posts: 195 Member
    Fresh has been key for me. Fresh fruit and veg, fresh chicken, not processed rubbish. I have cut out milk and bread completely. The milk one came by accident. I went to a Burger King drive through to get a coffee and didnt realise they don't add milk. I'd drank half of it before I realised that it was black, from then on I thought well it tastes almost the same with or without milk so why bother. The bread has been a shock, I used to eat bread with everything, now if I have even a slice then I can feel it sitting heavy in my belly. But those two things alone have meant I dont consume around 500 calories a day I would have otherwise done.

    Some idea's
    Ham is very good, wafer thin ham has about 10-20 calories a slice

    Salad made up of Cucumber, lettuce, chopped tomato and spring onion, lasts about 3 or 4 days in the fridge and can be used with anything. I wrap some in a slice of ham, its filling and there's about 30 calories per 'wrap'

    Chicken breast, grilled or roasted in a medium oven. I add different herbs etc before grilling to make it tastier. Or even just some salt and pepper. Add to salad for a meal which is high in protein, low in fat and is one of your 5 a day.

    Asda do fresh fruit packs, 5 for £1.50, apple, grapes, melon, pear etc etc. For terminally lazy people who can just grab a pack of them, 1 of your 5 a day, fresh and about 50 calories a pack.

    Asda also do a range of fresh meals in the chiller dept, £2.50 each, and each one filling and has meat, starch, veg, fat etc in decent quantities, takes the thinking out of preparing anything :) All 15 of the range are between 250 and 450 calories which is excellent for a complete meal.

    Water, I dont have 8 glasses a day, sometimes I have only half that but drinking water with food means your stomach needs to process it harder, meaning you are 'working out' at least on a cellular level, for longer and feel full for longer.

    Cup a soups, easy to make, 80 calories each and filling for the same reasons as the point above.

    Change your butter or marg to Flora Lighter Than Light. Its insane how low calorie it is.

    Philidelphia Light is a good option if you like cream cheese.

    Baby Cherry or Baby Plum tomatoes (Fresh) are excellent to eat as a snack (with ham if you like) as they have about 2 calories in each and are delicious.

    Don't overfill your plate and don't eat to bursting point. Eat slower too. It takes a few minutes for your body to realise you are full. You can eat pretty much as much as you like for 10 minutes before your stomach sends a signal to your brain. If you eat fast you will still feel like you need food and so eat more.

    To sum up FRESH food over Processed, change whatever you can change to light, cut out or at least down on bread and milk and drink water. If you have too much salt drink more water to flush your system. If you do that and get in under your calorie daily goal I guarantee you will lose weight. You cannot fail to.
  • I was also wondering about being able to eat what I like but within my calories so it's great to hear off those who do this and successfully lose weight, it's just tacking the portion control I'll find hardest lol although even though it's only been a week I'm already finding that I can't eat as much as what I did and feel full quicker :) xx
  • casperuk
    casperuk Posts: 195 Member
    I was also wondering about being able to eat what I like but within my calories so it's great to hear off those who do this and successfully lose weight, it's just tacking the portion control I'll find hardest lol although even though it's only been a week I'm already finding that I can't eat as much as what I did and feel full quicker :) xx

    I eat KFC, Chinese meals, chippy's, burgers etc. But I make sure I come in under for the day. A look at my diary will show some of the rubbish I eat, but I also eat a lot of fruit and veg now whereas before I ate none.

    You can eat a pound of lard with dripping and a side of butter if you like, but for the same calories you could eat an absolute banquet of fruit and veg and grilled chicken. There lies the crux of it. I prefer to have a bigger meal of stuff that maybe wasnt my first choice than have 3 pieces of KFC and some fries and then not have any calories left for the day.
  • wookiemouse
    wookiemouse Posts: 290 Member
    The best part about "clean" foods is that most (not all, but a large percentage) are lower in calories than your highly processed, fatty and fried foods. Which means to keep your calories in check, you could have 1/2 of a greasy cheeseburger or 3 plates full of "clean" food. I'm finding that while eating clean, I HAVE to count calories daily or I'm way UNDER! But that's nice sometimes!

    I only discovered clean eating a few years ago. Up until then, I did successfully lose all the baby weight just by portion control and counting calories. But I feel a ton better now that I've been eating clean - no bloat anymore, not sluggish, my head is clearer and my allergies are gone! I almost never get sick anymore either, which is a huge plus. I've cut out refined sugar in March and have a flat stomach for the first time in my life. That was well worth it for me. :)

    If you really want to clean up your diet, just do it so you're not depriving yourself. A lot of people think "clean eating" means boiled chicken breast and raw kale. Try some new foods - I got hooked on quinoa a few years ago and crave it now, I had no idea how to even pronounce it back then. :) Jamie Eason's cinnamon swirl protein bread (recipe online) tastes like vanilla cake and is good for you! There are a ton of things out there that are clean, healthy and taste great. Once you find something you like, replace one of your bad habits. Over time, your diet will be cleaned up - pretty easy to do!
  • Balance your meal with a protein, some veggies and a dash or healthy fat like avocado or olive oil. Use common sense on portion size and use MFP to track and give you structure. Eliminate processed and fried foods, sugars and cut down on the fruit and grains.
  • SaebraSpirit
    SaebraSpirit Posts: 150 Member
    To be honest I just aim for a balanced diet, i do have my occasional bad things like a little slice of cake :P
    But I have been eating fresh things instead of canned or packaged foods and I have to say I feel a lot better :) A Ham bagel is the perfect meal or some grilled chicken with herbs and a small side salad. Also fruits and just the occasional juicy carrot is delicious :D

    Another brilliant one is pasta with pesto sauce and grilled chicken or salmon slices mmmmhnmmmm ;)
    I just basically eat what I would normally eat but moderate it and reduce processed and junk foods, remember its a lifestyle change nit a quick fix and you gotta remember to have fun with food too! Once I reach my target weight the occasional Burger king only once every 2 months at the most wouldn't hurt hehe :)