The Final Meltdown 8.28.09

smadag1 Posts: 1,368
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Mornin ladies

I am EXSTREMLY tired today, I had to take my DH to work at 1am then nack to bed after 2am then get me up at 5:15 am to get ready. I did good and had a healthy vreakfast to start my day and am hoping to keep the trend going but when I am tired I am always munching on things

Hope yall have a great day and weekend:drinker:


  • Ileanak
    Ileanak Posts: 343 Member
    Good morning Smadag (and my other TFM ladies),

    I am so sorry for your lack of sleep, Smadag. I feel your pain. I haven't taken Sierra (pooch) out for an AM walk in the last 2 weeks, because it requires me to get up at 3 am, and I can't seem to get to bed before 10:30 pm these days. If I don't get 6 hours, I don't function. I hope you get a full night's sleep tonight!

    I stuck to my protein shake this week. I lost the 2 lbs I had gained over the TOM, but it took 2 bloody weeks to get it off! Ugh. If I don't drop another 2 lbs in the next 2 weeks, I will go through the same freak'in cycle again! Can we say frustrating?

    I have stuck with the 16 additional minuts of interval sprint training every other day this week. I think it will help. So now, I do 50 minutes of cycling (random setting at level 10) and then 16 minutes of intervals (walk, 4.0 for 1.5 mins, run at 7.0 for 30 seconds... repeat 8 times). I am definately sweaty afterwards. I think I am going to join a class at the gym today (I never do that). There is a Body Attack class that starts when i usually get there, and they all appear to come out looking pretty sweaty and worn out.. so wish me luck!

    Best of luck you you all, and If it turns out to be another crazy weekend, remember to take a breather!

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