OMG- 100 cal buffalo chicken bites- YUM!



  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    I had to google what Quinoa was. Do you think Brown rice would work instead?
  • profgal43
    profgal43 Posts: 115 Member
    Bump again!
  • shaunasoares
    shaunasoares Posts: 19 Member
    Sounds yummy
  • jenfitz
    jenfitz Posts: 66 Member
    To person asking about using rice instead- (I don't know how to quote..)

    Maybe- I was specifically looking for quinoa recipes because it seems to be a better grain- it has protein and is fairly low-carb (comparatively) It also sort of sticks together with the egg as a binder- dunno- worth trying!
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    To person asking about using rice instead- (I don't know how to quote..)

    Maybe- I was specifically looking for quinoa recipes because it seems to be a better grain- it has protein and is fairly low-carb (comparatively) It also sort of sticks together with the egg as a binder- dunno- worth trying!

    that was me asking: thanks! I wouldn't be opposed to trying the Quinoa, but I have such a picky family...