Why Are You Here?

Idk if there's been a thread like this- but I always think it's great motivation to just stop and take a second to remind ourselves why we've come "here." Not necessarily to MFP, but to a place in our lives where we want to be healthier people.
I also feel like every time I ask a question on these boards I get such nasty condescending answers- so i figure starting a positive-themed thread could change that!

For example,
I'm doing this paired with the tumblr "fitblr" community to help me stay motivated. I have never really loved my body and it has seriously influenced the way i view myself as a person and my life. Finally starting to eat clean (or, well, cleaner) and seeing results has given me such a great happiness that I've never felt before. For once i'm not doing it for a boy, for my family, to compete, or to bow to social norms.
I'm doing it for me- and it is liberating to know that was all I needed :)


  • Krazy_Kat
    Krazy_Kat Posts: 212
    I got lost one night, I must have been a little drunk and I wandered in here. Now I am stuck, I can't seem to find the door.
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    cause im a fatty boom-ba-latty
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    To lose weight!

    I have issues with food addiction and when I get bored, I eat. And eat. And eat. MFP and the forums help keep me busy so I don't think about food as much. The 24 hour support is absolutely beneficial.
  • MrsBully4
    MrsBully4 Posts: 304 Member
    To kick *kitten* and chew bubblegum... and I'm all outta gum
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    Because... I'm fat. And I look gross fat. And I want to be naked and look hot... and be clothed and look hot. Sooooooooooo.... here I am.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I am going to be spending the next 6 years at least as an Air Force wife and I want to look and feel my best when going from base to base. I don't want to feel insecure about making new friends because of my weight....I want to be active with my husband and feel confident no matter where I am...be it California, Hawaii, Japan, Italy...WHEREVER! My husband is such a huge inspiration and motivation for me to get fit (even though he loves me exactly as I am, I know we can have a better life together if I am as fit as he is!)

    Plus, it keeps my mind busy and my body exhausted while he is in basic training.
  • mmarin81
    mmarin81 Posts: 241
    Originally I wanted to look good and have a six pack. As my change began I noticed changes in my energy levels and strength and that is what drives me now. I am amazed at how well our bodies work when fueled correctly. To get that kick *kitten* body would be nice but if it never comes to that but I feel great and I am able to pass on better habits to my daughter than I am glad I came to this.
  • LHSweeney
    LHSweeney Posts: 87 Member
    Started out for health and being fit and confident. Now I just want to be smokin hot !
  • Calm_Lotus_06
    Calm_Lotus_06 Posts: 104 Member
    To begin with it was to keep up with my kids, but now its for me. So I can find myself again and love being me as everyone should love themselves.
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    Because I want to look good naked and be in the best shape of my life!!!
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Motivation/support that I don't get at home. South Jersey is not exactly full of fitness lovers, I'm a school bus driver and they all look at me like they hate me (the ones who think I'm naturally thin lol) or nuts (the ones who actually find out I work HARD to look like I do lol) and my family tries to be supportive as they stockpile the house with crap food (my dad, who's diabetic and doesn't eat the Entemann's he brought home yesterday, knows I'm not gonna eat it, and mom shouldn't eat it lol). Living back at home after being out on my own for 13 yrs has been tough...that's when I really started working out consistently and eating better then to move back home and smell hot dogs every single Monday night while I eat my grilled chicken I pre-cooked and froze to quick heat up b/c it's kinda hard to whip up healthy dinners when the folks are occupying the kitchen. Anyway, I'm babbling. Support and motivation and hopefully I motivate and inspire someone :)
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    To find some really great local pubs. :drinker: :drinker: ... oh wait, wrong forum :blushing: .... I am here to keep that middle age pudge and man-boobs at bay!! :noway:
  • adavis59
    adavis59 Posts: 285 Member
    I'm here because I realized that I needed to lose weight and be held accountable for what I put in my mouth. I also needed the wonderful support I've gotten from my MFP family to succeed, because without your encouragement I couldn't have total success.
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member
    I found the phone app first. I've made fitness an integral part of my life. I've met many wonderful people on here that share the same goals and enthusiasm.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I have a lot of self-loathing (years of verbal, sexual, and emotional abuse) and a lot of it stems from my appearance. I'm 5'2" on a good day and I'm just a round squishy thing that has to live in men's clothes. I've gone through therapy for the other stuff and it was time I got started on the other half, especially after I began dating a man I'd known and crushed on since I was 14. I got even more motivation after I learned my best friend of 9 years was using me as the "fat friend" among other things; I wanted to spit back in her face all the years she let me start talking to guys then shoved me out the way so she could flirt with them even though she and I no longer associate. I also just really wanted to wear awesome clothes. There's not much stuff for big girls and what there is, is expensive. So after years of half-trying I kicked my *kitten* into gear in January and I just keep rolling. This place has been a huge help, not only with letting me know what I'm eating and how much but with the knowledge in the forums that help me tweak myself.
  • Tapemymouthshutplease
    I am here to lose weight and help others lose weight when I can. I find it helps me feel accountable for what I eat when I write it down.
  • lalyon4
    lalyon4 Posts: 9 Member
    these are so awesome and some quite funny :) more more!
  • Saiklor
    Saiklor Posts: 183
    I'm here because I'm sick of being the fat friend. Right now it doubly sucks because I'm the fat friend who works out and eats salads while everyone else eats burgers and fries, but SOMEDAY I'll show 'em! I'm down a few pounds and I WILL be down more by the time I'm done!!!
  • DrowningMermaid
    I'm here because it works. Seeing my calories printed out for me is a real eye opener. Having the app on my phone keeps me accountable through the day and when I know I've been good all day, it keeps me looking forward to something tasty at the end of the day if I've got the leftover calories.

    Seeing my friends (and my husband) on the site, seeing their exercises, their trials and their triumphs, it's an encouragement for me to get myself in gear and work harder so I can post my accomplishments as well.

    It just plain works. Obviously I'm fat. But the other day my mom (who isn't always the most supportive) said to me "I can tell you're losing weight - your butt's getting smaller". And she said it in a POSITIVE way and it felt good to hear it.
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    cause im a fatty boom-ba-latty

    but a hot one at that!!!