How to make myself drink more water? And how much?



  • Drastiic
    Drastiic Posts: 322 Member
    I use a 16oz water bottle (2 cups) and just refill it when empty.
    2 cups as soon as I wake up.
    2 cups after morning exercise
    2 cups after breakfast
    2 cups in the afternoon
    My schedule can be modified depending on time & activity.

    I typically stop drinking water at least 3-4 hours before bed, so I don't wake up in the middle of the night to pee.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I drink at least 2L a day. I tend to drink more at night time after dinner to keep me full until bed time.
    I drink mainly out of a 750mL bottle and refill it about 4 times a day.
    To spice it up I add lemon juice, but other than that I dont know.. I love water and have always preferred it over anything. :laugh:
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I know how u feel, I used to b the same way. This is how I do it.
    After breakfast, my workout & lunch, I try to have the 1st bottle down. (My bottles have 2.5servings). Then I finish the 2nd one after dinner and a few snacks. I stop eating at 8am, so I save the last 2 bottles to drink over night (I stay up til ab 2 or 3). They help me feel full when I get hungry.
  • babycook
    babycook Posts: 172 Member
    I use to only drink a few sips a day with my pills. The rest of the day was coffee. I found if I use water bottles (they have 2 cups in them) and drink it at room temperature it's easier for me to drink. Now I drink on average 14 glasses a day.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I've never understood not liking water. It's like not liking air. Don't you get THIRSTY?
  • skinnyeascolady
    skinnyeascolady Posts: 287 Member
    I have a water bottle by rubbermade that is BPA or BSA free and it holds 4 cups I make myself drink 2 -3 of those a day. I still find it hard to do on weekends but I am getting better. If I don't use the water bottle I don't drink as much.
  • sassybellex
    i struggle with the water too, but having a big jug in the fridge with sliced lemon/lime or some mint helps. u can even try cucumber if u are into that stuff :)
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    How much water do you drink a day? I struggle to get my 8 glasses in. I just start to feel bloated and gross after the first few and just can't hardly make myself drink more. How do you get all your water in?

    I drink water steadily throughout the day. When I started on a decent water intake, I had to add some lemon or lime juice just to make it palatable. After a while, your body adjusts to the water intake and you'll find that you desire it more and your body gets better at communicating thirst to you.

    But the "8 glasses" is a gross generalization. You may need more (I tend to find that I need 9-10 glasses on a regular day, but I've also stopped counting), or you may not need that much.

    The most accurate way for most people to tell if they are getting enough water is to simply look at the color of your urine when you pee. If it's clear, you're actually drinking more water than you need (which is harmless, so if you want to do it go ahead). If it's pale yellow, you're good. If it's bright yellow, you need a little more water. If it's at all cloudy or opaque, or dark, you need a lot more water. And if more water doesn't clear it up in a couple of days, see your doctor.

    Start with 8 because it's a decent baseline. Keep that up for a week. Urine color may or may not be terribly accurate during that week because if you haven't been drinking that much for a while your body is going to be using the newfound watery wealth to do a little "housecleaning". You may find that you are not only visiting the restroom to water the flowers, but that sit-down performances increase for a while as well. This will all abate in a week or two. Once things settle down to a routine, urine color will start becoming a pretty accurate measure.