Looking for a few people to start the 30DS with me!



  • NamibianRose
    NamibianRose Posts: 151 Member
    Finished L1 D7 yesterday. Came home straight after work to get it done before meeting some friends! Yay.

    Thinking about taking a break today due to my knee still feeling off. I'd rather take one day off than to really hurt myself and have to take several days off! We'll see. I am still debating! I wish I could just listen to my body without the overwhelming feeling of cheating. I feel like I'm cheating myself out of a better body...by taking one day off, sounds logical doesn't it? :-/

    Went for about a 45-60 min walk this morning out in the hot weather so did get some very low impact activity in. But how I've been feeling afterwards and the rest of they day is what is bothersome. I keep feeling like I'm twisting my knee? Hard to explain. Anyway. Y'all will have to forgive me if I take an 'off day'.

    My PT suggested trying squats instead of the side lunges to help with knee pain! :smile: Maybe you could try that instead once you've had a rest day.

    Thanks for the suggestion! My knee is still bothering me a little bit, I kind of feel like if I took a couple of days off it would be better quickly, but can't bring myself to do it. It's not too bad. Last night I noticed that the only thing that kind of bothers me now is the lunges (when the achy knee is the one going down), I think that's weird LOL.

    Tonight is my last day of Level 1 (THANK GOODNESS!), 10 days per level seems a bit long lol.

    I stepped on the scale this morning (today is my normal weigh in day) and it looks like the weight I gained during level 1 might be starting to come down again (finally!). I guess I won't really know until next Tuesday if that's a true trend or not.
  • minisumo
    minisumo Posts: 301 Member
    L2D1 done! All I can say is it's sooooo much better than L1! It's hard work and I was sweating a lot more but I really enjoyed it.

    For everyone who's still got a couple more days of L1, keep going... getting to L2 is sooooo worth it!
  • Lynxie83
    Lynxie83 Posts: 246
    Finished L1 D7 yesterday. Came home straight after work to get it done before meeting some friends! Yay.

    Thinking about taking a break today due to my knee still feeling off. I'd rather take one day off than to really hurt myself and have to take several days off! We'll see. I am still debating! I wish I could just listen to my body without the overwhelming feeling of cheating. I feel like I'm cheating myself out of a better body...by taking one day off, sounds logical doesn't it? :-/

    Went for about a 45-60 min walk this morning out in the hot weather so did get some very low impact activity in. But how I've been feeling afterwards and the rest of they day is what is bothersome. I keep feeling like I'm twisting my knee? Hard to explain. Anyway. Y'all will have to forgive me if I take an 'off day'.

    My PT suggested trying squats instead of the side lunges to help with knee pain! :smile: Maybe you could try that instead once you've had a rest day.

    Thanks for the suggestion! My knee is still bothering me a little bit, I kind of feel like if I took a couple of days off it would be better quickly, but can't bring myself to do it. It's not too bad. Last night I noticed that the only thing that kind of bothers me now is the lunges (when the achy knee is the one going down), I think that's weird LOL.

    Tonight is my last day of Level 1 (THANK GOODNESS!), 10 days per level seems a bit long lol.

    I stepped on the scale this morning (today is my normal weigh in day) and it looks like the weight I gained during level 1 might be starting to come down again (finally!). I guess I won't really know until next Tuesday if that's a true trend or not.

    I only do a very small lunge movement with the static lunges and bicep curls, and do squats and the anteria raises... that might help. The last thing you want is to hurt your knee. A little stiffness is ok, but permanent damage is a definite no no!

    4 more sessions on level 1 for me then on to the plank-a-thon that is level 2 :bigsmile:
  • kellie0407
    kellie0407 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm starting this afternoon, fell free to add me. I need more motivational people to keep me on track! :happy: