Insomnia poem

JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
For some inane reason I woke up at 3am today and could not get back to sleep. Perhaps it was due to allergies, or my erratic heart beat (darn early beats) or because I'm excited to go on my anniversary vacation on Wednesday (haven't had a trip alone with my husband in 10 years). Whatever it was....I couldn't get back to sleep so just gave up at 4am and decided to get up and go to work (crazy, I know).

However, while I was sleeping thru my shower and barely conscience while I was cutting up ingredients for my lunch time salad (oh, maybe that's why I have these band aids on my fingers.....), I came up with a poem that I'd like to share about insomnia. It goes like this:

Insomnia sucks
Where's my coffee?

That 2nd line moves me to tears every time I read it......


  • cally69
    cally69 Posts: 182 Member
    Lol, you made me laugh out loud!!
  • kymillion
    kymillion Posts: 791 Member
    mine is like that only ..where's my coffee maker.? and No I dont mean the one on the counter,...


    you have a great poem.

    amazing flow and intense emotion. :D