2nd week blues

I am just finishing my second week and although tomorrow is my official WI day, I thought I'd do a sneaky jump on the scales to see how much I have lost this week.... BAD move! I have gained a lb back! I am hoping this is just water retention and I know that the second week is usually a little tricky. I thought I was doing really well this week (other than a slip up with some cookies to the tune of 350 cals .. ack!)

Has anyone else had the same problem in week 2? I'm feeling quite deflated right now and so cross with myself!


  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    you should measure yourself. the scale isn't the only way to show progress. it all takes time.
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    Don't forget to get the tape measure out and measure too!
  • sarah2954
    sarah2954 Posts: 291 Member
    If one pound is 3,500, your 350 cal cookies won't have made a difference. You were probably still under maintenance :)
  • ginablanton67
    I'm starting my 2nd week and started out the day the same way you did.....I measured myself and found that I lost 1.9 inches in my first week.....I was also weighing myself every couple of days including this morning and got really discouraged.....until measuring myself...I did great all week on my calories and exercise and only took off Sunday from exercising but went over my calorie goal by a couple hundred calories both Saturday and Sunday.....according to the scale since I started, weight wise....I lost 4 pounds, and gained it back plus 1 pound - so really I ended up gaining a pound and losing 1.9 inches.....I'm thinking it's my body getting used to eating the right amount of healthy food (even though I went over two days)....I've been an exercise animal so much so that I couldn't move, cough or breathe right....lol....today is a new day....1.9 inches are gone and/or rearranged themselves somewhere else on my body....:0) it's all good....let's stay focused together - we got this!
  • RancidPolecat2
    Quite often when you start a diet plan, you'll lose more than average the first week, then stagger or gain the second. Some of this is due to body confusion - your body thinks there is a famine and tries to conserve and store as much energy as possible. If you've added a new exercise routine, you may have gained some muscle mass.
  • LisAllum
    LisAllum Posts: 55
    Thank you all for the support! Been faltering for the last few days and needed a kick up the *kitten*! Mwah! xx