Is there something wrong with me....

I am truly starting to believe I have some sort of disorder. I can eat very well during the week but on weekends, and only when I am alone, my eating is out of control. I literally will go from one thing to another. For instance, last night I had dinner, probably around 7:00ish. My husband went to bed as he had to go into work in the early morning hours. I then had cheese and crackers. A while after that I had a bowl of ice cream in which I mixed in peanut butter and some dark chocolate, and then later I got a box of cereal out and just ate out of the box. This happens frequently when left to my own devices. I would NEVER do this in front of my husband... I should note I do not deprive myself of any particular foods nor do I starve myself.... I am truly beginning this think there is something mentally wrong with me or is there such a thing as a food addict??? Anybody else do this... just seems like I am sabotaging myself. I do know I need to keep certain trigger foods out of the house but that means I need to stop buying them!! :ohwell:


  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    I should add I do know that stress definitely affects my eating patterns and I have current stress now with an old, sick pet plus working full time and studying for a certification, so none of that is going away anytime soon.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    there is such thing as a food addict.

    Question: Why would you not eat that way in front of your husband, but do it alone? It sounds like maybe you are losing weight for his benefit, not yours. Once you start doing it for yourself, I think things will get easier.

    Make sure that you aren't starving yourself during the week, either. If you use a manageable and sustainable deficit, then you won't be so hungry that it is easy to get out of control.
  • marieautumn
    marieautumn Posts: 928 Member
    i do the same thing some times...usually on weekends. i think every one binges once in a while. i just started keeping junk out of the house. the upside is when i binge, its on low cal stuff AND my son doesnt have a lot of junk to stuff his face with. win/win.
  • JoeD1968
    JoeD1968 Posts: 167
    those late night sneakin around eating binges are the bane of alot of people i imagine
    you really just need to feel this remorse before you do it
  • tlamarch
    tlamarch Posts: 105
    there is such thing as a food addict.

    Question: Why would you not eat that way in front of your husband, but do it alone? It sounds like maybe you are losing weight for his benefit, not yours. Once you start doing it for yourself, I think things will get easier.

    Make sure that you aren't starving yourself during the week, either. If you use a manageable and sustainable deficit, then you won't be so hungry that it is easy to get out of control.
    well said
  • asaw00
    asaw00 Posts: 1,904 Member
    I do this also. I call it "closet eating". I try to do really good but then I get cravings and just can't stop. sweet and salty!! Try brushing your teeth, drinking water, and go to bed!!!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    It could be a bad habit, it could be when no one is there to watch you your controls release, it would be that you are subconsciously self-sabotaging, it could be that there's something about the time of night (tired=low self control and low blood sugar), it could be stress.

    First, avoid situations like that.
    Second, knowing you do that, come up with a strategy ahead of time that you'll use instead of self-destructive behavior. For example, know you'll eat carrots or something else you like and can eat a lot of but won't binge on

    Third, if that isn't helping, see a cognitive behavioral therapist. The way you describe your problem, it sounds like a very superficial and quite specific problem and shouldn't take a lot of time (two sessions?) to work through if you do the exercises they suggest. They deal with solving behavioral problems and figuring out what causes them.
  • LeanMeanJeanne
    LeanMeanJeanne Posts: 44 Member
    Nothing wrong with you, most of us have emotional issues with food- hence our struggles with weight loss. Maybe take away the temptation and not even keep the food in the house? Or find something to do with your hands while you're relaxing and watching tv? Something as simple as knitting or needlepoint will keep your hands and mind from becoming idle. The struggle will always be there, it's just a matter of realizing that YOU are stronger than temptation.
  • Darlingir
    Darlingir Posts: 437
    I did that all the time......when I came out of denial about my size...The first thing I did was A) confess to my family that I hide food and eat alone. (no more secrets) B) told my family my weight....that was for me...just worked some how...
  • KiwiKim25
    KiwiKim25 Posts: 61 Member
    My Aunt would do the same thing. After a little talk with my mom (because she's awesome like this) my aunt realized she was using then 'unsupervised time' as an excuse to eat poorly/what she wanted.

    Maybe time to take a look at your goals, what you want for yourself, and if it's worth it for you to be accountable for yourself. I hope it is and you're able to find the control you want/need! Good luck!
  • hope76579
    hope76579 Posts: 53 Member
    Binge eating is a very common eating disorder. I struggle with it. Weekends and night times are the most difficult for me. I am only one month into my journey towards a healthy lifestyle. Since eating habits are difficult to break, starting now rather than later will help you reach goals for the rest of your life. Here is what is working for me at this time: eating small regular, healthy snacks and meals. (I tend to binge when I am hungry). I keep my dumb bells by the couch and do reps while watching tv. Anything I eat is eaten at the table, slowly while listening to music. When I am bored I take a walk or a bike ride and log into mfp and read success stories. I wish you the very best.
  • Darlingir
    Darlingir Posts: 437
    It could be a bad habit, it could be when no one is there to watch you your controls release, it would be that you are subconsciously self-sabotaging, it could be that there's something about the time of night (tired=low self control and low blood sugar), it could be stress.

    First, avoid situations like that.
    Second, knowing you do that, come up with a strategy ahead of time that you'll use instead of self-destructive behavior. For example, know you'll eat carrots or something else you like and can eat a lot of but won't binge on

    Third, if that isn't helping, see a cognitive behavioral therapist. It sounds like a very superficial problem and shouldn't take a lot of time (two sessions?) to work through if you do the exercises they suggest. They deal with solving behavioral problems and figuring out what causes them.

    and this...
  • chickentunashake
    chickentunashake Posts: 164 Member
    there is such thing as a food addict.

    Question: Why would you not eat that way in front of your husband, but do it alone? It sounds like maybe you are losing weight for his benefit, not yours. Once you start doing it for yourself, I think things will get easier.

    Make sure that you aren't starving yourself during the week, either. If you use a manageable and sustainable deficit, then you won't be so hungry that it is easy to get out of control.
    Couldn't say it better. Once you start doing it for yourself, it will get easier. Also , our mind is trainable, so once you set your mind to what you want to accomplish, you will do it. We all have set backs, some days better then others, but the next day is brand new day. This is a life long journey
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    Yes, there is food addiction! You may want to try finding something else to do after your hubby goes to bed so you arent tempted to eat, go for a walk, or crafting, I like to crochet, keeps my hands busy and helps me move my attention to something else, drink a full glass of water, do a puzzle. You may also want to eliminate the foods you know are bad for you from the house and make up some pre-portioned healthy snacks to keep around. I cant have anything in the house, like chips or icecream, if I get the munchies I will drink a glass of water, then do something to change my focus, if I still have the munchies after 1/2 an hour or so then I will get a small snack, like some grapes and an ounce of cheese. Also, ask yourself, "do I really need to eat this?".
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    I think the hardest thing I needed to learn to get to where I am was self control. It seems you are just eating to eat.

    There are some nights after a very healthy planned out dinner, all I want to do is go to the local pizza place, get a small pizza with bacon and jalepenos and eat the whole thing just because. But I know I can't do that. 1, I care too much about my body for that and 2, I know at this point my stomach is going to not like it. It takes a while but you'll learn that just eating to eat isn't worth it.
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    I do this also. I call it "closet eating". I try to do really good but then I get cravings and just can't stop. sweet and salty!! Try brushing your teeth, drinking water, and go to bed!!!

    I think this is a good idea. I tend to do stuff like this too. I have replaced junk food in my house with alternatives. Like apple chips for my potato chip cravings and frozen yogurt instead of ice cream. I also learned that when I have munchies it actually means I'm bored. So I play a video game or get one the computer. Something to occupy my hands!
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    Go to bed when he does, and read a book! You are waiting for him to go to bed to binge. Instead, have one thing after dinner as a treat, then go to bed early. Being well rested is better for you overall anyway when it comes to weightloss!
  • krahnyk
    krahnyk Posts: 6
    Boredom! I am a HUGE boredom eater. I sit there eating things all the while saying to myself "PUT IT DOWN YOU ARE NOT HUNGRY" and then I finish eating it...and go for something else. Its insane! Like you I WOULD never ever eat like that in front of anyone. I truly believe you can be addicted to eating- because *I* am!
  • tryinghard71
    tryinghard71 Posts: 593
    I can't tell you the number of times I have been hungry an hour after dinner, drink a big glass of water, and it goes away. If it does not go away. I drink another glass of water and go to bed. I have actually said to my husband I have to go to bed early because I can't stop feeling hungry. Most of the time it's just my body telling me I need more water.
  • RuthSweetTooth
    RuthSweetTooth Posts: 461 Member
    I don't buy Cheetos anymore . . . . but mainly because of the salt. Because I believe you can any food you want but it needs to fit within the calories. So I'm not sure if food avoidance is the answer. If you have particular cravings, sometimes having a bit of it at every meal can help dissipate it.

    I think you should try to see the good about your diet. On your good days you're a pretty good eater and your good nutrition will maintain your health. It will definitely take you longer to get to your goal if you go over every weekend. Most people who do that do not lose weight, because everything you lose during the week will come back on the weekend.

    If you go over, one way to solve it is to use a piece of exercise equipment in your house and burn off those calories before you go to bed !!!

    I wouldn't say there is anything wrong with you. . . this is just an intermediate stage in finally controlling your weight. Next time you feel those cravings, try a diet soda and a single serve bag of popcorn. If that doesn't work, a cup of herbal tea . . . fill your tummy with fluids. If that doesn't work, go shopping for swimsuits.