C25K W6D3

Please tell me that I'm not the only one ever to do this program that has had problems with W6D3. I've attempted it 2 times now and have yet to make it all the way through the whole run. The pod cast I'm using (Robert Ullrey's) says that it's supposed to be a 25 minute run. The website says 22 minutes. Well, it doesn't matter much because the first day around minute 19 I had to stop and walk the rest. The second attempt I had to stop at 13 minutes and walk about a minute, then ran about 4 minutes, had to walk a minute and then finished the last 4 minutes, for a total of 22 minutes.

Please tell me it gets easier on the 3rd attempt.


  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I had trouble with week 6. It surprised me too, since I did so well on week 5! In my case, I think I wasn't allowing enough rest time in between runs.
  • Devona14
    Devona14 Posts: 171
    I did great on week 5, too. The first time I ran 20 minutes straight I was ecstatic! Now I'm sort of feeling defeated that I can't do this run. I am determined to make it though. I WILL do this if it kills me!
  • Fausttt
    Fausttt Posts: 101
    I did great on week 5, too. The first time I ran 20 minutes straight I was ecstatic! Now I'm sort of feeling defeated that I can't do this run. I am determined to make it though. I WILL do this if it kills me!
    week 5 was always my nemesis. still is. Once my knees feel better I may try again and defeat it, but for now. . .