Depressed :-(

VSGme Posts: 36 Member
I just need to vent....

I'm 30 yrs old, and getting married to the love of my life in 12 weeks. When we met, I was a size 8 and very happy with my weight. I loved clothes shopping, shoes, accessories - and was so happy with getting a cute new shirt or new pair of forward 4 years.....I'm now weighing 204 lbs and in a size 14/16. I am miserable. I cried today when I went shopping for a couple of tops to wear on our honeymoon...I am no longer a medium that I'd known all my life. I am a XL or 1X. My depression over my weight is a cycle - when I force myself to buy something, I come home in tears - then I just get in a funk and don't want to do anything but sulk around, or eat more to comfort myself!. I don't want to *constantly* talk my fiance's ear off about my sadness over my weight ~ he's so good to me and will offer support and list - he loves me like I am. He truly loves me now the same way I used to love myself at a size 8. I really want to lose weight - ideally 50 lbs.
Once, I had gained to about a size 12, and started feeling depressed....then somehow I lost back down to a size 8 (I didn't diet, I guess I was in college walking to class and going out so I was not tied to a desk job like I am now) and it just came off. I remember as soon as the weight was gone, I was my happy confident jolly self again - this happened a couple of times in my life but I never weighed over 160...then once I was back at about 145-150, my mood was great again! Even work collegues notice the change in my attitude. Some noticed I used to be so talkative and outgoing...and now I'm quiet and reserved. I'm too ashamed to admit it's because of my weight - I obsess about it and it's always on my mind. I don't hardly go anywhere but to work and home because I'm so scared to run into people who used to know the skinny me. I haven't even tried on a wedding dress and I'm getting married in 12 weeks in Maui. All I can focus on is how fat I'll be in my wedding pics. I'm so sorry to post a rant, and I admit I am fat by my own choices. I just didn't know what else to do. I'm so desperate to lose weight ... but I can't stick to a diet more than a week. I feel completely hopeless and don't know how to let it go. I don't want to go to Maui for wedding/honeymoon and not even go to the beach because I can't hide myself.... :(

*EDITED* to clarify that I can talk to my fiance about ANYTHING ~ he's my best friend and a great support system! I just wanted to share with others who could also relate and maybe offer advice as well!


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Tiffany, welcome to MFP, and hopefully you will find some supportive people on here.

    Congratulations on your wedding, and your husband-to-be sounds lovely.

    Realistically, you're not going to see dramtaic changes in 12 weeks, but if you're perpared to put in teh work for the long haul, then you WILL see results.

    Why have you found it difficult to stick to diets?
  • Gosh ... other than the wedding details I feel like I'm reading my own rant. My name is Tiffany also & I am majorly depressed! I'm starting back on my journey today with (fingers crossed) no set backs & down falls. Let's do this together! I have a wedding to GO TO in September ... We can do this! I will friend you also!
  • VSGme
    VSGme Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks Melanie ~ a friend told me about this site and I'm hoping to make some positive changes through it.

    I admit, I know you're right about that. 12 weeks isn't going to be long enough for the results I want.

    I think it's difficult for me because I get tired of eating "diet" food .....chicken, salad, fish. I crave meals like rice and gravy, shrimp creole, jambalaya and good soul food (I live in Louisiana and love to cook). :( I think 2 weeks is the longest I can go without having something sweet or going out to eat or ordering Papa John's pizza. I know this isn't a good thing, but if I'm being honest, that's it.
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    First of all, Congratulations on your upcoming wedding and it sounds like you are marrying a man who truly loves you!

    Secondly, Welcome to MFP!

    Third, Good Luck. You can do this!

    1.) Just start eating right and within your calorie goal! Exercising and Eating right can help you with your feelings of depression even before you lose any weight.
    2.) Log everyday and KEEP TRYING! I find even when I eat over, I don't beat myself up because the total calorie count was still lower than what I am used to eat that got me to where I am! Even if you fall, you are further down the weightloss journey than when you first started!
    3.) Write your goal down and have reasonable min-goals. Losing 50 lbs can be a daunting task, break it down into little milestones!
    4.) Read the success stories on here! If you can, peek at their journals. See what they are eating and try some of their meals. She how others are getting their protein in - it really does help keep you "fuller" longer.
    5.) Plan out your meals so you're never left in a vulnerable place where an unhealthy food is more convenient.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    You can eat at a calorie deficit without giving up pizza and soul food and sweets! You just have to eat less of it. You can do this. Don't try to make it a total all-or-nothing overhaul of your eating habits. Keep eating the foods you like but eat less of them and try to eat out less often. Try having a healthy breakfast like oatmeal or eggs and a healthy light lunch, and then having a half portion of soul food or whatever for dinner. If you don't like chicken, salad and fish, don't eat them. It's not as hard as you're making it!
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member

    I admit, I know you're right about that. 12 weeks isn't going to be long enough for the results I want.

    But it is long enough to make a great start!

    In 12 weeks you could realistically lose 20lbs and feel much better about yourself!

    What better way to start your married life than to be well under way to getting to the weight you want. Imagine how good you are going to feel on your one year aniversary when you are back to your ideal weight!

    Don't put it off - start today. Good luck
  • rossi02
    rossi02 Posts: 549 Member

    I think it's difficult for me because I get tired of eating "diet" food .....chicken, salad, fish. I crave meals like rice and gravy, shrimp creole, jambalaya and good soul food (I live in Louisiana and love to cook). :( I think 2 weeks is the longest I can go without having something sweet or going out to eat or ordering Papa John's pizza. I know this isn't a good thing, but if I'm being honest, that's it.

    You don't have to cut these things out, you need to learn how to work them into your daily calorie limits, or allow yourself a meal a week where you enjoy without guilt. Also, since you love to cook, find ways to make the foods you love a little healthier. You need to make this a lifestyle change to continue and sustain your weightloss goals. Good luck, you can do it! You may not be at your goal weight by your wedding date, but you will be able to see and feel a difference by starting today!
  • Bookchick887
    Bookchick887 Posts: 119 Member
    I'm sorry you are going through this, especially just before your wedding. In my life, I gain weight when I'm unhappy, and it feels like my life is out of control.
    MFP has been the best thing I've done. I've found inspiration, accountability, and new friends. When I get off-track I get right back on bc of MFP. When you don't feel like you can TT your fiancé about this, you can turn to others who understand what you are going through.
  • shellsrenee01
    shellsrenee01 Posts: 357 Member
    I hope my story can help you with your journey here on MFP.

    I also struggled with "diets" all my life because I just couldn't give up certain foods (soda, pizza, Olive Garden).

    When I joined MFP, I weighed 265 lbs and wore a size 22 in pants and 3X in tops.

    I treat my calories like my bank account. I try to stay in the green as much as possible, but I do not deny myself any foods. If I have the calories available for a coke, I drink a coke. The difference is, now that I can see just how much a coke effects my calorie limit, I stick to just one coke instead of 5 cokes.

    There are going to be up days and there will be down days, but with consistency and patience, you WILL see results. I just passed my 110th day of logging in here and this is where I am now:

    I weigh 242 and I can wear a size 16 in pants. My tops are now only 1X and I can buy an XL in a regular store.

    I previously could only run for about 3-5 minutes at a time and then needed to walk. I can now run over 30 minutes straight without having to take a walking break.

    My family has noticed a change in my attitude with food. Being more aware of what I'm putting in my body helps me to make better choices. I don't look at this as a "diet" but more of an eye opener.

    Lastly, you will find some AMAZING support on here from the users and their stories. Look at the Success Stories for before/after pictures. It will truly leave you inspired and wanting to go out and start sweating!

    Good luck and please, feel free to contact me if you want some motivation/support on here. :flowerforyou:
  • min_lyn
    min_lyn Posts: 68 Member
    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! I can relate to how you are feeling. It can be very discouraging when you have been thinner and feel you have to lose weight to get back to where you were. I have always been heavy but had gone from 235 to around 160 a few years ago. Then I gained back to around 208. It was hard at first because I had worked so hard to get to the 160. But I made a decision that I was NOT going to let my past failures...or successes determine my future. I have fallen off the wagon a little bit the last few weeks but I am determined to get back on to continue my healthy lifestyle. That is what it is about. You CAN do this but you first have to decide that it is about you and about being healthy. But no matter what, you have to decide if you want it bad enough. This site has helped me tremendously and I encourage you to make friends on here and stay accountable. That really is key. I'd like to add you if you're looking to add friends.
  • VSGme
    VSGme Posts: 36 Member
    Wow, thank you EVERYONE for the replies. I feel so inspired by your posts and support :) It's nice to know that I'm not alone and others can "relate" or at least understand where I'm coming from. I believe this will be a good place for me. I appreciate the friend requests.

    THANK YOU for brightening my day and listening ~ I can do this!
  • simone143
    simone143 Posts: 25 Member
    Ahhh girl dont be sad:-(... If you feel more comfortable and happy within yourself at a smaller size you should push yourself to get back there! I know its much easier to just stress over it and snuggle up with food to make yourself feel better been there done that! But you got a target date, 12 weeks is alot of time.. dont go all crazy with diets that are only temporary fix! I suggest maybe going for 30 min walk a day and nutting to eat after 7pm, use MFP calorie counter to track you food and stick to it everyday, drink lots of water! Its amazing how small things could make a world of difference! Everytime you feel sad go for a walk look at it as you're clearing your head instead of exercising! You can also try the 30 day shred by Jillian, I havent tried it myself but Ive seen amazing results, im actually doing the 60 days insanity workout by Shaun T which is an amazing burn! Another thing I would like to suggest to you is try to measure yourself and maybe weigh yourself once a month because the scale can be very deceiving and can be discouraging. Feel free to add me hun:-)
  • Tiffany,

    If you want some healthy meal ideas, check out my wifes blog. She has quite a few recipes there that are delicious and filling.

  • SwtMelissa86
    SwtMelissa86 Posts: 165
    you can do this!! It takes time and dedication, but if you want it bad enough... it is possible. Add me as a friend if you would like so we can help motivate! (i see in your profile you are from Louisiana.. me too!)
  • paulipet
    paulipet Posts: 70
    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. Your fiance sounds like a great person! I also get depressed a lot about my weight but in the short time I have been on MFP (15 days) I log on every day whether I have been good or bad just to get that little bit more inspiration and determination.

    Good luck with everything and have an AMAZING wedding. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like to.
  • sarah692
    sarah692 Posts: 136 Member
    Congratulations on the wedding :)

    You just have to set reasonable goals for yourself. You know what you're capable of and you know what your willpower is like, so don't try to force yourself to stick to some extreme diet if you know it won't work for you. Log your foods and focus on staying under your calorie goal and getting your necessary macros. That part is pretty easy. You might have to make some sacrifices, but you won't have to completely change what you eat. Just take baby steps. Once you're used to eating a lower quantity of food, start making healthier food choices. Replace a few of your "bad" meals a week with healthy ones... not every day, but just get into the habit of it. If you can't do that, don't punish yourself for it and don't give up. Losing weight and changing eating habits is hard for pretty much everyone, and you've got a huge support system here. Find some kind of exercise that you enjoy and push yourself, but don't set your expectations too high and be proud of what you DO accomplish, not upset about what you don't.
  • From this point forward. There are NO MORE DIETS! This is a life style make over! You're doing this for you and you are WORTH IT! Every small change adds up to great big ones.
  • deeannhill
    deeannhill Posts: 85 Member
    Honest & transparent post, Tiff. Love you & I'm praying for you!
  • findfan4ever
    findfan4ever Posts: 153 Member

    First off, congrats on your up coming wedding. Your groom sounds like a wonderful man. I know you don't want to burden him with your problems; however don't keep from knowing. Encourage open communication about everything. You will find you will learn a lot more about each other and your intimacy (non sexual) will increase exponentially. A good movie you two can watch together is, Not Easily Broken. I think you and him will like it a lot.

    As far as depression ..... I have suffered with clinical depression most of my life. I noticed, just like you, it was worse when my body fat levels increased. I do understand the lack of motivation, extremely low self esteem, lethargic and so forth. At one point a few years ago I was suicidal. While I will continue to struggle with depression for the rest of my life, I know the benefits to healthy living and being physically fit. I also know if I don't find a way to fight my depression it can be detrimental to my health.

    I have used a combination of therapy, anti depressants, proper eating habits, and exercise to combat the depression. If you are unable to afford the costs of therapy and medicine I do understand. Most therapist will encourage exercise and proper diet as part of the recovery process. Exercise will stimulate the release of endorphines which will elevate mood. Over time, self confidence comes back, etc and depression can be better controlled.

    You can safely loose 18-24 lbs in 12 weeks based on healthy weight loss recommendations. Some individuals loos more. Some less. As a former personal trainer of 17 years, I tended to tell individuals NOT to look at the scales too much. Your body mass is simply your body mass. BMI calculations are, while helpful in some cases, should only be used as a "general" reference and not a tell all. BMI is based on height, weight, and age charts.

    A case in point: a buddy of mine while in the Navy was being processed to a medical discharge based on being to heavy and having a high BMI. While his superiors wrote letters in dispute of this, the Navy Department still sent someone from New Orleans to our ship in the Indian Ocean to "have a look" at my friend. To his surprise, he noticed my friend was in perfect health, as well as, being a body builder.

    I would advise to have your body fat measured at your local fitness center. If you are not a member somewhere, you can probably have it done at your doctors office or your next OB visit. If that isn't possible, the best possible way for you to gauge your progress is how do your clothes fit on you. If they are getting looser, then you are making progress.

    I can offer you some assistance on your exercise program; however I am NOT a dietary expert. I tend to take the approach of making minor adjustments to the foods you eat and eat in moderation with 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day. The body is better able to break down several smaller meals more efficiently. That way you are not storing a lot of excess energy in body fat.

    Just think of food as fuel for your car. In theory, the higher octane gas is better for engine efficiency, horse power, internal cleansing of moving parts, etc. The same applies to the foods we eat. The better the fuel, the better we function metabolically.

    By increasing your physical activity, or altering what you are currently doing and including strength training exercises, will cause an increase in metabolism which will lead to an increase in energy production through fat burning. Not only that, as you gain strength, your muscles will tone and start to look better then "Whoopie!!!!!" you have your bikini body back.

    I have also read some great comments regarding goal setting. Remember, you can only read a book on sentence at a time, not the whole book at one time. If one focuses on the entire project it can seem daunting. Keeping realistic daily or weekly goals will ensure you are successful.

    Feel free to send me a message if you are needing assistance. My credentials are on my profile. I will need a lot more information to help you.

    Anyone else reading this ..... fell free to contact me if you need help, too.

    Again, congrats on your up coming wedding.
  • fabafter5
    fabafter5 Posts: 200 Member

    I am so sorry that you are feeling this way. You are in the right place to find support and reach your goals. You can lose 20lbs by the time your wedding rolls around if you put your mind to it. The thing is, you have to want it just that much. You don't have to give up the foods that you love, it's everything in moderation. Get yourself a food scale, some measuring cups, some walking/running shoes and stock up on healthy food. Portion control and excercise is half the battle.

    You have it in you! You have done it before. Making healthy food choices will eventually become empowering as opposed to being a burden. Get a few pictures of yourself at your ideal weight and put them on your mirror and fridge. Say to yourself that you are worthy of living a good life.

    If you fall off the wagon, don't beat yourself up just jump right back on again. This is so important! Little changes can go a loooong way.

    Take the stairs
    Park farther away and walk
    Drink water
    weigh and measure your food.
    instead of going for dinner nad a movie for date nite, go on a hike.

    Stop with the negative self talk and put a plan in motion. You can so do this!