Dieting Rollercoaster

When I started working in theatres, a mere 22 years ago, I weighed 9 stone 4 & was happy with the way I looked.Slowly the weight began to creep on & so I decided to do something about it.Out came the Hip & Thigh Diet book with limited success but oh so much hunger!!Talking to a fellow colleague who'd joined weightwatchers I decided to give it a go & lost a good amount of weight but sadly I didn't continue with it & put the weight back on.Over the years I started numerous diets with some success,only to regain the weight plus more besides each time.
After falling pregnant with my daughter I knew I was substantially overweight & so was so careful about what I ate gaining 6lb throughout the whole pregnancy.Shame it wasn't to last,afterwards I ballooned out of control & have never been the same since.I started swimming three times a week,the council closed down the local swimming baths.Out of desperation I started the slim fast plan,lost 4 stone plus,my psoriasis went of control,I became very ill & was off work for 6 months as I was treated by the dermatology unit.Scrap that diet!!!Next came Slimming World!!I lost 1lb in the first week & nothing after that.....................after 3 months I stopped wasting my money.I tried calorie counting,the GI diet,the GL diet,back to weight watchers again!!Then eating my meals off a 6" plate,closely followed by Paul McKenna's Eat Yourself Thin,going to the gym,back to weightwatchers!!Saw my GP who suggested Xenical,I was so terrified of the side effects if you ate fat that I ate a virtually no fat diet & lost virtually no weight.I was horrified when the GP mentioned gastric banding...................................not going to even go there!!
Now I've got high blood pressure & basically hate the way I look.I want to be able to go into a high street store & if I like the clothes,a rare thing,buy them.I need to lose weight for my health & my sanity,Talking to yet another colleague who's following the ProPoints plan I decided to give it a go.As I work so many shifts & long days I decided the only way was the online programme.I felt encouraged,focused & positive.Looked forward to my first weigh in after following the plan religiously for a week.The first 3 days were a struggle but once I got into the swing of things I was fine.I didn't need to dip into my 49 extra points.First weigh in,I lost nothing!!!I' was so disappointed.I expected to have lost a pound at least.I stuck at & did start to lose weight.It was suggested I went to meetings so I tried that & after a period of several months I lost 4 stone.Weightwatchers then changed their thinking & reduced the point allowance further.I stopped losing weight.Was exercising & had a pretty active job but the weight stopped coming off. Then I kind of lost my way,stopped going to meetings as I found my shift patterns made it difficult.I reverted back to the online programme.After gaining 9lb over Christmas & that refusing to budge I eventually threw in the towel & cancelled my membership.Have rejoined WW but my allowance has been reduced again so have decided to try calorie counting once again.I cannot stay like this any longer.Help!!!!!!!!