Running vs. Walking



  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Both are good. Running you just burn calories at a faster rate. If walking works for you then stick with it. No need to jump on the running wagon because you feel it'll burn more calories. It really doesn't. It just gets you to where you're going faster lol.
  • beachlvr716
    I loved to run until I hurt my leg in a snow mobile accicdent. So now I am a walker, and thank goodness for having a YMCA close by, the inside track is perfect for me. :happy:
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    According to my personal trainer, you burn the same amount of calories for the distance. So walking a mile burns the same as running a mile. You just have to consider the time it takes to burn those calories. I can walk a mile in 30 minutes, but run one in 10 mins. So if you have the time to do your burn with walking, that's great. If you want more bang for your minutes, then jogging or running will do it.

    This is most definitely NOT true. I've read the same thing in the past. Perhaps for a really fit person this is true (not sure) but for the less fit of us, it's definitely false. If I walk a 5K, I'll burn maybe 350 calories. If I run one, 500+ depending on the terrain. While I know an HRM isn't perfectly accurate, it definitely shows a BIG difference.

    ^^ This. I did a 31 mile hike and only burned about 1500 calories. I usually burn more than that running a 13.1 half marathon
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    I love to walk. I can - and sometimes do - walk all day long. I live in a rural area of great natural beauty, with lots of hills and mountains. So, I can "just walk" and get quite a workout.

    I also run.

    It doesn't have to be one or the other. You can't run every day, but you can walk every day. If you live somewhere with hills, you can get your heart rate up quite a bit. You can also walk very briskly.
  • ChaoticMiNd
    ChaoticMiNd Posts: 247 Member
    Laws of Physics states for an object to move faster requires more energy for the same distance as an object moving slower.
    Just wanted to say all your running and biking and swimming miles are awesome how cool. That said, I read that it takes more energy to move at a slower pace as to where momentum when you are running takes less energy? Does that make sense what I just said lol.
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    I love to go for walks, but I don't feel like I get my heart rate up unless I power walk for a long time or I do sprints and walk in between. I just don't feel like I get enough of a workout from it. But I love doing both.