How soon did you start seeing results from running?

Hi Guys,
I have started running and have been for about two weeks (going on my third week). The first week I ran every day until I read you shouldn't do that if you are running hard. I am running 3-5 miles each day. I am discouraged and don't want to go out today, but I know I should. How long was it before you started seeing results from running? Does it tone your legs and help you loose fat? I just want to tone up everywhere and I heard running is the best (and easiest) way to do that. I hate exercise videos, though I have been doing slim in six and butt bible on my off days as well. Any thoughts?


  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    If by toning up you mean firming up your body, then you need to build some muscle as well as burning off some fat. You would benefit from lifting weights as well as running.

    Also, don't expect any changes in 2 weeks - you are looking at 2 months or more before any big visible changes kick in.
  • BrittanyBrines
    BrittanyBrines Posts: 144 Member
    But by two months is it changes only I will be able to see or everyone will be able to see? But there is hope then? So by 8 weeks I should be able to tell a difference then? It's discouraging, but putting a timeline on it helps for me so I know I need to give it moer time. And is running every other day okay? Currently I can't do any weight training unless there is some way to do it with just my body. I don't have access to any weights. I will in a few weeks (just dumbells and ankle weights), though.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    I started c25k on May 29th, am now up to running 1.5 miles straight, and I'm just now starting to see results. I think 2 weeks is too soon to expect to see any major results.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    But by two months is it changes only I will be able to see or everyone will be able to see? But there is hope then? So by 8 weeks I should be able to tell a difference then? It's discouraging, but putting a timeline on it helps for me so I know I need to give it moer time. And is running every other day okay? Currently I can't do any weight training unless there is some way to do it with just my body. I don't have access to any weights. I will in a few weeks (just dumbells and ankle weights), though.

    I run every other day. I don't think my body could take every day at this point!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Honestly. with all my running I don't think it really helped me loose any weight.

    It made me more active, stronger, more endurance, and wanted to do more!!
    It was the best thing I could have done to get my fat behind off the couch. I love it.

    After I run I'm not as hungry and I don't binge at night. All my weight loss has been due to my calorie deficit. So keep up the running, if anything its going to make you retain more water as you put on some leg muscle. Then you will get to the point were the number on your stop watch means more than the number on your scale.

    also, get on the couch 2 5k program if you need some running schedule. I loved it.
  • nicescent
    nicescent Posts: 44
    Don't expect to see results before 2 to 3 months. At first you may gain weight, because your muscles will get stronger.
    Vary the distance you are running. Try a longer distance during the week end, also never increase the distance by more than 10% a week. Once a week do some speed work on a track. Great job anyway. Keep going.
  • Dark_Roast
    Dark_Roast Posts: 17,689 Member
    It will take months to see changes, I have been running for over a month and my husband says he can see changes, but I can't yet. I know I'm getting smaller though because when I started, I bought size large running shorts, and last week I had to go out and buy some size medium because the large ones were too big!
  • BrittanyBrines
    BrittanyBrines Posts: 144 Member
    Well I had better get ready to go. My son is 6 months old and so I have to wait until he gets up from his nap, but I am getting ready now so that after I feed him we can go and lose some of this weight! I only have 13 more pounds to go. Then I want to flatten and slim my stomach and thighs, also work on lifting and firming my butt. So those are my goals. :) Keep the ideas and support coming! Thanks guys! Also, if anyone else is struggling with having the motivation to get out here, this is a blog post I read this morning that was so helpful for me...
  • BrittanyBrines
    BrittanyBrines Posts: 144 Member
    Oh, also, does everyone run for their length of miles straight through or do you walk as well? I want to go a far distance. I don't really care about time right now, so I try to do at least two miles in 20 minutes, then from there I just walk and run alternating for the rest of the 3 miles. Is that okay?
  • GaryRussell123456
    GaryRussell123456 Posts: 87 Member
    Oh, also, does everyone run for their length of miles straight through or do you walk as well? I want to go a far distance. I don't really care about time right now, so I try to do at least two miles in 20 minutes, then from there I just walk and run alternating for the rest of the 3 miles. Is that okay?
    That's the best way to increase your distance. Jeff Galloway is a big advocate of this.
  • BrittanyBrines
    BrittanyBrines Posts: 144 Member
    So it's okay to do what I'm doing then? But just make sure I push mysef to run more and more each time then?sorry new to this running thing. I used to train horses. I know how to get HORSES in shape and from doing that I would get in shape as well. I don't know how to train myself to become a runner though. lol
  • NNAhuja
    NNAhuja Posts: 669 Member
    I'm seeing increased defination in my calves after about two weeks of running. I'm doing the C25K program and tend to do ellipticals on 3 of my 4 off days, along with weight lifting.
  • Eleisabelle
    Eleisabelle Posts: 365
    Try the Couch-to-5K program:

    Along with calorie counting and healthy foods, running for this program and then following it with the Bridge to 10K helped me lose 20 pounds two years ago, most of which I have kept off.
  • sarahbagley
    sarahbagley Posts: 18 Member
    Great work! You should start seeing results soon actually! If you are following the correct amount of calories daily, then you should start seeing results. Don't forget that weight loss is mostly your diet amd caloric intake.
  • GaryRussell123456
    GaryRussell123456 Posts: 87 Member
    So it's okay to do what I'm doing then? But just make sure I push mysef to run more and more each time then?sorry new to this running thing. I used to train horses. I know how to get HORSES in shape and from doing that I would get in shape as well. I don't know how to train myself to become a runner though. lol
    You can go by how you feel and try to increase the distance a little each week which is how I did it. Don't increase by more than 10% is a good rule of thumb. Alternatively you could follow a structured program like couch to 5K and then bridge to 10K.
  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    running and calorie counting helped me lose upt o 60lbs.

    I read that you have ankle weights - I woudlnt use those if I were you. Ankle weights are a great way to get hurt.

    Unless someone can tell me I'm wrong about ankle weights being bad :)
  • BrittanyBrines
    BrittanyBrines Posts: 144 Member
    Yeah my diet is pretty good. We were vegan, but now are going to a 90% raw food diet. And what is a good caloric intake? I have been eating around 1200? Is that good? I've also heard that you should eat MORE calories to loose weight? How do I know if I am eating enough calories but also not eating too much?
  • sd75
    sd75 Posts: 49
    I've just started the couch to 5K programm - and not being a runner at all i have found week one (surprisingly) completely manageable. It works on the principle of running for a few mins then walking for a few mins etc - and gradually building up over a series of week, running three times a week.
    I'm anticipating a challenge ahead with it - but it certainly gives me the motivation to keep going, especailly in the hope that it will bring results by dropping a few dress sizes and toning up into the bargian - at least thats the plan.
    Good Luck - & keep up the good work :-)
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Yeah my diet is pretty good. We were vegan, but now are going to a 90% raw food diet. And what is a good caloric intake? I have been eating around 1200? Is that good? I've also heard that you should eat MORE calories to loose weight? How do I know if I am eating enough calories but also not eating too much?

    I'm going to just guess that you need to eat more. Did you see what mfp tells you to eat for a 1lbs per week loss?
    And when you run, say you are eating 1500 normally. you run and burn say 500 calories. You should eat a total of 2000 for the day. Your an athlete now, not some sickly thing. So get on board with the gravy train and eat up.
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    I'm on my 9th week of C25K (one more run and done!) and I have noticed changes but it didn't happen immediately. My legs and thighs have a different shape than before and it appears I have lost a considerable amount of cellulite (or its less noticeable).

    I've lost a total of 27lbs (prob closer to 28 now but haven't checked in yet this week) but I contribute it more to eating better and burning calories as opposed to strictly running.

    Running is my favorite form of a workout but I know to get my body where I want it to be I need to do some weight lifting etc - but I'm just not at the point that I am interested in doing it. Silly, I'm sure but my goals are currently to incorporate all sorts of activity into my lifestyle (been doing 10+ mile bike rides and yesterday I did a 7 mile hike) and then at some point down the line I'll add in weight lifting.