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  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    YOGA pants. I'm from Seattle - its like a uniform here, people wear them EVERYWHERE!
  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    YOGA pants. I'm from Seattle - its like a uniform here, people wear them EVERYWHERE!
    ^^^^^^ this I'm from Seatlle also I LOVE yoga pants, workout pants, baggy sweatpants, and PJ bottoms...but I also only workout in actual workout pants/shorts/yoga pants. I don't know how someone could sweat in their jeans and feel good enough to go to the store afterwards...ew!
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    I don't even own sweat pants. I wear yoga capris. I can't do shorts they move up my thighs and are just horrible. If I tried doing yoga in jeans I think I would split a seam.
  • reyopo
    reyopo Posts: 210 Member
    This reminds me, a few years ago there was a woman in one of my most intense, sweaty, hot power yoga classes who would wear jeans with a belt and tucked-in blouse to class! I was so distracted by how uncomfortable it looked to be her, I'd lose focus in my practice. She was a real odd bird, who would make strange noises and loud grunts during class too...she wasn't all there.

    Jeans - not appropriate workout wear for all kinds of reasons. My biggest concern would be constriction of internal organs, interfering with digestion etc...you need to be able to move, breathe, bend, stretch...

    There is a Trader Joe's across the street from my gym...most of the time at least half the shoppers are in workout clothes, and half of them are sweaty and flushed. IT'S TOTALLY OKAY! But if it bothers you that much...I assume there's a locker room at your gym? Bring the jeans and change after.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I once saw a girl at the gym on a treadmill in a ankle length denim skirt. That looked dangerous. That was near my mom's house in a community that I happen to know that her clothing choice was a religious thing, but even knowing that I couldn't believe there wasn't a more comfortable choice!

    OP- you will be much more comfortable in yoga pants or compression pants, or you could try compression shorts under a pair of baggier shorts which is both very secure and modest.
  • cjudesaenz
    cjudesaenz Posts: 67 Member
    I see your point, you want to be comfortable when you are working out, who doesn't. BUUUTTTTT I dont think that the gyms are trying to cramp your style or deny your civil liberty to wear jeans. It's a safety thing having to do with range of motion and movement, but another reason would be that jean are not as breathable as most work out material and increases your risk for infection to your no no parts.... lol... no but seriously if you want to go shop post work out just change. And besides going to the store with sweaty swamp jean bottoms is nasty again INFECTION (YEAST)..... BLEH GROSS and no FUN!!!