Exercising with small children in the house

Does anyone do exercise dvd's with little ones in the room? I have a 3 and a half yr old and a nearly 2 yr old. Would you even attempt it? I am thinking the only opportunity I am going to get to do my 30 day shred today is either with the girls or at 10 o clock tonight. I thought it might be fun for us all to have a go or am I crazy to even consider it?


  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    I've worked out with the kids in the room. They'll hang with me for about 10 minutes before they get bored. I have better success having them play quietly in their room until I'm finished. Or give them a snack and have them sit at the table to eat it.
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 909 Member
    why not? most the times my kids sit on the bed/sofa and watch me.. if i do yoga they do it with me!
  • KMSForLife
    KMSForLife Posts: 577 Member
    I get up at 5 am to exercise before the rest of the house wakes up. It's the only way for me.
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    Give it a try! Be prepared with a snack and 30 minute show. I have worked out with my 3 1/2 year old in the room. She had fun trying to do the same moves. I prefer after the kids to to bed, though, so I don't have to watch out for them.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    I had done 30 day shred with them in the room when my kids were 3.5 and 2. It wasn't easy. They climbed on my back when I was in push up position, and I had to be careful not to hit their heads when I am moving the weights up. So it depends on how your kids are.
  • Marvalm3
    Marvalm3 Posts: 31 Member
    From my personal experience, it is VERY hard to exercise with little ones, even though my daughter is really excited to work out with me... I end up tripping over her and I can't put my full effort into it.
    Sometimes, I turn on a half hour of Mickey Mouse for her while I go into the office and put my exercise dvd into the computer.
    Other times I do let her workout with me and try not to trip over her.

    She is now 5 years old, and watching her do my workouts with her little pink 2lb dumbbells is the cutest thing you will ever see!
    There I am... drenched in sweat.... and she's like "let's do it again!!!"
  • devonette
    devonette Posts: 263 Member
    Up until my kids were about 6 & 8, their bedtime was 7pm. I did my exercises at about 8pm, after they were nicely tucked in bed. When I was little, and my mother used to exercise in the mornings with Jack LaLaine or Exercise with Gloria, before I was 3, Mom used to put me in the play pen in the same room so she could see me and I could see her, but couldn't interfere or get hurt if I got in the way. Older than that I thought it was fun to exercise along with her.

    If you have any Wiggles dvds for your kids, put them in, and instead of your normal exercise routine, try to do everything the Wiggles are doing. Your kids will have a blast doing their thing and watching their Mommy Wiggle, and you will be amazed at what a tough workout that really is!!
  • susuenglish
    susuenglish Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks all - i might give it a go and see if it works. i normally do it on a lunch time when I am working from home but I'm in the office today and I know my husband is cooking us a nice meal which we won't get to eat til 8 once bed time is over with so I was thinking I can't really shred til 10 ish or I'll be sick! I might put tv on in the other room and let them wander through and join in if they like, or they can watch tv.
  • I've worked out with the kids in the room. They'll hang with me for about 10 minutes before they get bored. I have better success having them play quietly in their room until I'm finished. Or give them a snack and have them sit at the table to eat it.

    Mine do the same. Hang with me for a few and then get bored. FOR Sure go for it!
    I take every opprotunity to exercise!
  • EmRobo
    EmRobo Posts: 146 Member
    Mine get bored after 10 mins or so, or get in the way as the space I have available to do the dvd isn't much unless I move furniture, give it a shot!
  • AshRyd
    AshRyd Posts: 126 Member
    google exercise videos for kids --- i had one when my daughter was little and we would do it together. by the time it was over she was bored with the whole concept and would go off on her own for a snack of a movie on the other TV, then I would put in what I wanted. they are usually pretty short, and not real difficult, but it helps you get in a little something extra, starts them on good habits and you get to spend a little quality time together on something fun!
  • StacieHof
    StacieHof Posts: 97 Member
    I do the 30 day shred all the time with my kids ages 11, 10, 8, 5, & 3, my only advice is to watch out for very young kids 4 and under if you are using weights. My youngest will want to stand right next to me so I move him in front so I can see him. My oldest 3 will do the entire viedo with me, have fun you have to improvise when your a mom! : )
  • seanorawe
    seanorawe Posts: 137 Member
    I tried this also.

    During pushups my 2 year old climbed on to my back

    During sit ups he waited until i sat up and every time pushed me back doen and laughed.

    During burpees he laughed his socks off at every one

    During lunges he copied me but trid to hug me every other one.

    It was...................................................AWESOME
  • I have always done my DVD's with my kids in the house from the time they were little until now. It gets easier as they get older though. Good Luck.
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    I no longer attempt to do DVD's when the girls are up... My 3 year old thinks it's time to make me a jungle gym when I'm trying to do pilates...
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    I have a three and two year old, and I try to do it during nap time. That said, I have done it during the day when they were awake, and they actually each have been kicked (ACCIDENTALLY!!!) once during it when they randomly decide to run behind/in front of/next to me. In the end, though, it all worked out.
  • laursey
    laursey Posts: 307
    I let my kids have 30 minutes of tv time while I'm doing mine. Sometimes they'll joing in, but I prefer to do it alone so I can give it my all without having to worry about jumping on them!
  • 81Kyra
    81Kyra Posts: 115
    I just did Biggest Loser for Wii with my 3yr old...sometimes I give her something to keep her busy(crayons,paper or snacks ect..) but she usually ends up copying me...she knows what planks, downward dog and a few other exercises are... I say go for it
  • vcreinert
    vcreinert Posts: 83
    Let them play or copy you. They will get bored and start to play with their things. Make if a fun experience for them.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I didn't start really exercising until my youngest started nursery at 2 1/2. I was still breastfeeding until then and couldn't face jumping around with the giant boobs. We used to go out and walk a lot in the afternoons, but I didn't really start losing the baby weight until I had a bit of free time in the week, even though it was only 2 1/2 hours a week at first.
  • TXBelle1174
    TXBelle1174 Posts: 615 Member
    When my kids wont let me exercise - I just dance. I put on some good dance music and dance for a little while. Usually the kids (2 and 6) join me or sit there and laugh at me. Either way, I am exercising and they are having fun. When I am serious about using the elliptical in my livingroom, I wait until they are in bed.
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    I do it all the time :) My kids are 4 and 2 but I've been working out at home for a few years. Stick a cartoon on. Send them to their room to play. Wait til nap time. Or have them join you. My kids love watching me workout of trying to do it also.
  • NNAhuja
    NNAhuja Posts: 669 Member
    My friend has two toddlers 1 yr and 3 1/2 and they would do zumba. The oldest would really get into it while the baby would be doing her own thing while in her pen.
  • ccckwalk
    ccckwalk Posts: 262
    I have. It is not easy but if they see you do it maybe they will do it when they are bigger. My 6 year old knows it is mommas workout time, but he has watched me workout for three years now. He does it with me or gets his school books or watches a show. My 2 year old hates it when I work out she loves to climb on me and stuff. But it is worth it, so you have to pause every once in while it makes your work out a little longer. Or I have once or twice held my little one while doing lunges or jumps. She loves that. It will work out and over time they get used to it! :) ~Corina go for it!
  • mrschappet
    mrschappet Posts: 488 Member
    YUP... It can de done.... its only 30 min.. give them some coloring books and crayons set them at the table or in highchairs give them a snack and tell them they are not to move until mommy is done. I guess it depends on how disciplined they are and how firm you are. but My kids.. ages 12 and 4 both know that mommy's workout time is HER time and they are NOT to interrupt unless it is an emergency :-)
  • Dare2BThin
    Dare2BThin Posts: 211 Member
    My 5 year old swears she's a taebo expert but I have her stand about 2 feet in front and to the side of me..She gets bored or tired after about 10 minutes...and she needs a "water" break..which usually is a snack I have already set out for her
  • misfit34
    misfit34 Posts: 104 Member
    Definately go for it! My five year old will work out with me for about 10 minutes then she will watch for a while then she will go about her business.
  • jlstaub
    jlstaub Posts: 3
    I have always had bad luck getting a workout in with my 3 yr old. Recently I bought a stability ball and some resistance bands. I let her play with the ones that I am not using and then I switch her throughout the workout. Seems to work for now. She likes the idea of doing the same things that I am with me versus trying to dance around her through other workout videos.
  • kswift85
    kswift85 Posts: 56 Member
    I've done all my exercising with a 3 and a half year old and almost two year old in the house with me. Along with two dogs running around. They will typically try to help me or climb all over me, but eventually get bored with it and move on and play in their rooms. You could always try a tv show, activity or snack that will keep them occupied for a bit of time to help alleviate trying to balance the two. When I head downstairs to use the treadmill I typically wait until the little one is napping and take the older one with me and she'll sit and play for the duration. She is also super encouraging too ;) It can be hard, but it can be done! :)
  • herwitsend
    herwitsend Posts: 29 Member
    I cant get intense enough to do a DVD with the kids around. They are too busy, into stuff and I never get a good workout in.

    Today it was evident thatI wasn't going to make it to they gym, so I stuck the kids (all 70 pounds of them) in the wheelbarrow and jogged my driveway (1/2 mile long each way) while pushing them. I have no clue how much I burned (I guessed), but it was intense. The kids LOVED it!