How Much Success with just Walking?



  • cfred40
    cfred40 Posts: 151 Member
    laid the fork down, got off the couch...& started to walk

    150 pounds later.......still walking, & have added running & biking.

    Yeah, I guess you can have some success with "just walking"

    Best wishes to you.
  • spikefoot
    spikefoot Posts: 419
    My first 15 lbs was lost on almost just diet alone (no walking). I think walking is often underestimated. I know you will hear all this target heart rate stuff, must be sweating etc... in your reading/research. If adding a daily walk to your routine (if it currently does not exist) and making noticeable healthier choices/portion control than you already are... you will lose weight guaranteed. Whether it is the change in diet or walking that is debatable. Typically the more you have to lose the faster/easier it will leave.

    I am now stuck on the last 10-15 lbs of stubborn fat and starting this July am going to attack it with aggressive cardio and really disciplined eating because it is not moving even though I am doing the same I did to drop to this point.

    I am surprised at how easy it is to lose weight with a little discipline and lifestyle change. Give it 3 months of an honest attempt and you will see drastic results. :)
  • lesle1
    lesle1 Posts: 354 Member
    laid the fork down, got off the couch...& started to walk

    150 pounds later.......still walking, & have added running & biking.

    Yeah, I guess you can have some success with "just walking"

    Best wishes to you.

    Yep! Running, Biking and Swimming!!!! Oh yeahhhhhhhh! (thinking Triathlon in August.) and all because I started walking. : )
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    It's all about how many calories you burn vs how many calories you consume.

    There will probably come a point when, if you're looking to increase your overall fitness, walking alone won't do it for you anymore. But if it raises your heart rate, you aren't overeating, and (most of all) you enjoy it, then it's certainly good enough exercise. Moving around a lot is one of the best things you can do for your body.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    laid the fork down, got off the couch...& started to walk

    150 pounds later.......still walking, & have added running & biking.

    Yeah, I guess you can have some success with "just walking"

    Best wishes to you.
    NICE loss honey x

    Same as this,and its fab cardio!! :bigsmile:
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Walking is great exercise, but you have to walk really far, like six miles.
  • annamc18
    annamc18 Posts: 198 Member
    I fell like to me, since I have an issues feeling mentally overwhelmed with the videos & stuff - it's less threatening to me to just walk/jog...if that makes sense to anyone else lol
  • andreamelo1
    andreamelo1 Posts: 161 Member
    eating is a big part, now if all your doing is walking slowly nothing will change you have to get your heart rate up to get anything done
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    Walking is great for many reasons! Put in some earbuds with your favorite tunes and just walk....walk and walk some more! Later, add some wrist and/or leg weights to build muscle tone while you walk. Then later you can start to jog a bit. Walking is great exercise, easy (for the most part) exercise and can relieve stress! Go for it!!!

    But remember, walking will do you no good if you don't also watch yoru calorie intake.
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    Walking is AWESOME for you! I'm sure if you are walking daily AND counting your calories, you will see some weight fall off. And you may decide to become a runner ;)
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Walking works!

    Walking was my primary form of exercise. I lost 62 pounds and ate 2000+ calories a day.
  • That is exactly what I have done. I have lost 25 pounds by watching my calories and walking the dog every day. No major excercise on my part, and the dog needed to be walked anyway.
  • lisacornell
    lisacornell Posts: 29 Member
    My sister has lost around 90 pounds by watching her portions more and by walking. It's really the only exercise she is doing so far. She started out just walking a little and now she walks for miles at a time. You just have to start out slow and walk a little farther each time.
  • annamc18
    annamc18 Posts: 198 Member
    awesome! These reply's are making me feel so motivated!

    I currently do try to maintain a 1200 cal a day like MFP wants me to - I know I'm not perfect everyday but I do pretty well. I don't really workout at all right now, and I've really just maintained but lost a little bit. I keep going back in forth with the same 5 pounds or so though so I am sure if I just add 2 or 3 miles at first the weight will start coming off much easier

    Plus my puppies need to get out of the house! I cant walk them both, so now I have to figure out how to convince my SO to go with me lol
  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    It makes sense yu start out walking I started with 2 blocks one out and one back as the weight came off I increased the distance went faster after a year or so I added a mens fitness class and do some hand weights It can start small and build and now everyone in town knows me as the walking man because I am all over town I now walk to post office shopping and I say Hello to everyone so make friends as well
    when you get ready
    Stop reading posts and put on comfortable shoes and get out the door
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Walking is great exercise, but you have to walk really far, like six miles.

  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    If you are just trying to lose weight.......calorie deficit is all that really less and/or workout more. If you are worried about body composition as well that is a bigger debate/question.

  • findfan4ever
    findfan4ever Posts: 153 Member
    Walking is a great exercise for those just starting or starting over. Walking is very easy and, for the most part, low impact. You do it everywhere.

    Keep in mind the human body is made to move AND to conserve energy. Exercise, while healthy and very beneficial, induces a "starvation" response in the body. As the body expends energy, it will try to conserve energy for basic survival. Kind of weird, isn't it? Your body is also very good at adapting to activity to more effectively use energy and conserving at the same time.

    Many of you have probably noticed you have to walk longer, increase your walk speed, changing exercise locations, etc to continue to see progress. Eventually your body will adjust to all the changes you can throw at your walking program and weight loss will plateau or fall off, while health benefit continues.

    Strength training will add to your success. Quite simply, strength training will increase your lean body mass which will increase more your body burns body fat. This will also help to increase your metabolism. The higher the metabolism, the more you burn. an interesting point, too, is lean tissue continues to burn body fat even after your workout. Energy is required during the "recovery" phase of exercise to repair muscle tissue, etc.

    As one person stated in an earlier post, it also depends on the person and their individual goals.

    I would also recommend to STOP using the scale as your tell all unless you are considered clinically obese or extremely overweight. The scale will tell you your body mass, but not your body fat percentage. Lean mass is more dense that fat mass per unit volume. 1 cubic inch of lean tissue weights more that 1 cubic inch of body fat. As lean mass increases and body fat decrease, one can remain the same in overall body mass (weight) or even increase in mass, while body measurements tighten and clothes fit better.

    I hope this helps some. Feel free to message me for additional help.

    BMI indices can be misleading due to them being based on age, height, and weight. Your local fitness center should be able to measure your body fat via caliper calculations or bio feedback instruments.
  • annamc18
    annamc18 Posts: 198 Member
    thanks for all the responses, everyone!

    I'm totally getting my walking shoes on after I get off work & start making it a habit!
  • noirnatural
    noirnatural Posts: 310 Member
    I think you can have success with just walking,