Does it Ever Stop?

Does one ever get over the hungry stomach syndrome? I've been working on my lifestyle change but find myself constantly hungry! Does it ever go away?


  • apparatus195316
    apparatus195316 Posts: 79 Member
    I don't think it ever really *goes away*, but make sure that you're eating lots of fibrous foods that are filling - and I make sure to eat pretty consistently throughout the day so that I don't get lightheaded or irritable. Eat a piece of fruit...60 minutes later another piece of fruit...60 minutes later a hardboiled get the idea. Also making sure that you're very well hydrated can help.

    It can be pretty demoralizing to be hungry all the time, I can definitely identify. Just don't lose your motivation. You can do this!
  • cleavagefurrow
    cleavagefurrow Posts: 47 Member
    I wish I could say that it goes away but so far for me, it hasn't. I'm so miserable trying to say no to all my favourite foods. And for me, having just one bite of something isn't satisfying enough for me to stop wanting it or to stop being hungry.
  • rmkramer003
    rmkramer003 Posts: 115 Member
    The "hungry" feeling hasn't really gone away, but I can't eat nearly the same amount of food that I used to eat in one sitting. So I think that as long as I keep to low calorie dense foods, I am okay.
  • hope76579
    hope76579 Posts: 53 Member
    Yes! The hunger does go away, the cravings do lessen. What are you eating during the day? You may not be taking in enough. How is your water intake? How is your energy level?
  • Supersonick1
    Supersonick1 Posts: 5 Member
    I would look at how much protein you are eating. If you are exercising you might need more. For me if I eat the right balance
    I don't have that hungry feeling.

    As far as saying no to favorite foods, that gets easier over time with some adjustment. There is a site called Hungrygirl that
    turns favorite junk food or party food into healthy versions and has calories and weight watchers points. They have a margarita drink for 105 calories that I love. I have also found some 100 calorie chocolate cupcakes that I top with fat free or sugar free cool-whip.
    I think because I have taken the extra effort to find different recipes and such I don't have that disappointment because these treats are becoming my new favorite snacks.
  • jmcdaniel0
    jmcdaniel0 Posts: 130 Member
    I can say that, for me at least, The Hunger has diminished. I mean I still get hungry, but I try to make sure that i make what I eat better and more filling than what i was... Plenty of Protein is the key for me... I can eat grilled Chicken, steamed broccoli, and a side salad, with all the fixings, less cheese and croutons, and come out right around 550 cal for a lunch, and that stays with me all the way to dinner time around 7 pm. I think it truly is what you eat and not how much you eat...

    It makes sense to me... A piece of grilled chicken has more nutrients that a ho-ho and a pack of chips, so ounce for ounce it by far the better choice... I know that is a bit extreme, but you get what I mean. Sub out all the bad stuff, and bring in good heavy protein, a good amount of fiber, and plenty of water!

    I have read in multiple places that nearly 50% of all so called hunger pains are actually your body being dehydrated. I drink nearly 10, 8 oz cups of pure water every day.

    I hope that helps some, if not, feel free to message me and ill help you if i can.
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    I think it does. The stomach shrinks, you learn to eat "filler" like wheat puffs and etc. I do admit that I always wake to a growling stomach now though. After that walk I have to put something in it to shut it up.