Low carb diet anyone?

BossyGirl Posts: 173 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
hi I have been thinking about going on a lower carb diet but i have alot of questions!
How many carbs can i eat on a low carb diet?
what are some good low carb foods?
is low carb safe?
will it make me moody or depressed?
is there a certain time in the day that i should stop eating carbs?
should i cut out my favorit healthy foods (oatmeal, fiberone bars, raisin bran)

Let me include that im 5'5, 21 yrs old, and 140 lbs.
My daily activity is VERY busy. i work 12 hour long workdays at the hospital on my feet all day(3x a week)
On my days off i go to college, and i work out for about an hour at the gym( so about 4 days a week at the gym)
And on top of all this i have my 18 month old that i chase around.

i only need to lose 10 pounds, but i think it is difficult because im having too many carbs in my health foods. Help!


  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    my suggestion is to research the different types of low carb plans, make the lifestyle changes that go along with it and follow it.

    There are many types of low carb plans and they will not work to keep the weight off unless you are going to make lifestyle changes with it.

    Atkins has you take out all carbs except for veggie carbs for the first 2 weeks, then you starting add carbs back in slowly according to the carb ladder chart until you get to maintenance. In maintenance you are eating some grains, beans, lentils, all fruit, veggies, dairy, proteins and fats. He advises to purchase organic fruits and veggies and to purchase free range and grass fed meats if it possible and affordable for you to do so............take a good multi-vitamin supplement and drink lots of water.............Atkins is very structured to get rid of sugar cravings and also to add in foods slowly to see if you have any food allergies..........

    South Beach is similar to Atkins, but it is 3 phases and is a lower fat program, and is not quite as structured as Atkins.

    Then there are several Paleo / caveman type programs..........

    Protein Power

    Sugar Busters

    Carbohydrate Addicts Diet

    There are a LOT of plans................
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    How many carbs can i eat on a low carb diet?

    Everyone's body is different, so everyone's carb limit is different

    what are some good low carb foods?

    Protein (steak, chicken, fish, seafood, eggs) - VEGGIES, and nuts

    is low carb safe?

    If low carb is done right, it is very safe as it is basically a whole foods eating plan, no processed foods.

    will it make me moody or depressed?

    No, it will probably even out your moods because your blood sugar will be stable

    is there a certain time in the day that i should stop eating carbs?

    No, I have a bed time snack every night

    should i cut out my favorit healthy foods (oatmeal, fiberone bars, raisin bran)

    Yes, except the oatmeal. Those Fiber One bars are terribly processed.
  • carrieberrie
    carrieberrie Posts: 356 Member
    hi I have been thinking about going on a lower carb diet but i have alot of questions!
    How many carbs can i eat on a low carb diet?
    what are some good low carb foods?
    is low carb safe?
    will it make me moody or depressed?
    is there a certain time in the day that i should stop eating carbs?
    should i cut out my favorit healthy foods (oatmeal, fiberone bars, raisin bran)

    Let me include that im 5'5, 21 yrs old, and 140 lbs.
    My daily activity is VERY busy. i work 12 hour long workdays at the hospital on my feet all day(3x a week)
    On my days off i go to college, and i work out for about an hour at the gym( so about 4 days a week at the gym)
    And on top of all this i have my 18 month old that i chase around.

    i only need to lose 10 pounds, but i think it is difficult because im having too many carbs in my health foods. Help!

    Sounds like you have your hands full and you have a busy schedule! With that said, I dont think a low-carb diet is right for you. Remember carbs give us energy, when you cut them off you will feel very tired. I went on a low-carb diet last year and I had a headache for days and my energy level plummeted. Just stick to tracking your calories. There have been many studies where it shows that all that matters is your caloric intake, calories in calories out. Plus I lost 6 lbs on a low carb diet in a week and once I started to introduce carbs back into my diet I gained every sngle pound back.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    When you switch to low carb, the 1st week you will lose lots of water. Of course you will gain back the water loss when you go back to the high carb diet.
    I agreed that real low carb is not good for OP since she has a very active schedule.

    I suggeste south beach phrase 2 diet. It has moderate carb.. It will keep your insulin stable so you don't have much craving . If you want to do phrase 1, start it over the weekend so you can adjust to it and defitnitely eat beans so you have energy. Do google on south beach forum... most of them will have a detail desc. what to eat on each phrase.
  • BossyGirl
    BossyGirl Posts: 173 Member
    Thank you soooooo much for all the commets!
    Get this i only ate about 80 carbs yesterday (i usually eat around 180) and i feel amazing! i ate alot of protien and i didnt feel hungry or crave anything!
    when i got on the scale this morning, i was already 1 lb down!
    Im thinking to have only 80 carbs a day....i hope this is safe b/c i have heard that having few too many carbs can mess with your thinking and memory.
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