good bye dear friend

hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
sooo......I'm going to pack away my scale for 2 weeks......yes two whole weeks!!...i feel as though I am betraying a dear and loyal friend.....and hopefully they dont get to mad at me for ignoring it for 2 weeks....if i hop on in 2 weeks after eating and exercising the same and i've gained back 10lbs i'll understand :cry: lol its going to hate me and .......I really feel as if I am being disloyal to a friend right now :laugh: :sad: :brokenheart:


  • Shanta1983
    Shanta1983 Posts: 1,228 Member
    Hasian I so feel the sameway but I cant let go my boss said to put it away and weigh in monthly instead of weekly because she use to be a trainer but idk about monthly:grumble: :laugh:
  • rsalgado
    rsalgado Posts: 163 Member
    I don't know about putting away the scale. Years ago at one of my failed attempts to lose weight, I only weighed in once a week, but now I weigh daily. Why? Because when I feel as though I have overdone it, I step on the scale the next morning only to realize that I'm still okay (maybe a pound and a half of water weight added). Nothing I can't work off within a day or two of getting right back on track. When I feel as though I have gained a lot, somehow that sends a message to me way deep down that says, "you've failed...just forget it!" Anyhow, I have found that having a realistic perspective (rather than my neurotic overreacting) goes a long way! Just food for thought! :smile:
  • TheNatKitchen
    TheNatKitchen Posts: 33 Member
    My husband threw away my scale!! It was horrifying, but it's actually been good for me. I'm not spending so much time obsessing over that number. I do have to go to someone elses house to weigh in, but that's totally doable once a week or so.

    Anyway, I have a new BF: my tape measurer :wink:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    good for you girl! Work that scale over! Weight is arbitrary! Everyone say it with me:

  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    good for you girl! Work that scale over! Weight is arbitrary! Everyone say it with me:

    lmao it is but it i just remember what i used to look at 110lbs thats why 110lbs is my goal for some reason i think this time around im going to have to get down to prob 105lbs to see the results i want,,,,pregnancy weight can be a very bad word :laugh: ......regardless im not hopping on that scalle for 2 weeks
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    good for you girl! Work that scale over! Weight is arbitrary! Everyone say it with me:

    lmao it is but it i just remember what i used to look at 110lbs thats why 110lbs is my goal for some reason i think this time around im going to have to get down to prob 105lbs to see the results i want,,,,pregnancy weight can be a very bad word :laugh: ......regardless im not hopping on that scalle for 2 weeks

    110 lbs is arbitrary, it's what I looked like when I had that much body fat, and that much muscle mass. That's what you want to get back too, not your weight.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    i hate my scale, but it keeps me in check... not that I need checking because my weight won't frickin' budge!
    Oh, and Boss... what I looked like at 130 pounds was MUCH healthier than what I look like at 190 pounds. so... weight in my books is NOT arbitrary.
  • rsalgado
    rsalgado Posts: 163 Member
    i hate my scale, but it keeps me in check... not that I need checking because my weight won't frickin' budge!
    Oh, and Boss... what I looked like at 130 pounds was MUCH healthier than what I look like at 190 pounds. so... weight in my books is NOT arbitrary.

  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    i hate my scale, but it keeps me in check... not that I need checking because my weight won't frickin' budge!
    Oh, and Boss... what I looked like at 130 pounds was MUCH healthier than what I look like at 190 pounds. so... weight in my books is NOT arbitrary.

    No no, you're missing my point. I'm not saying what you weigh isn't an symptom of the condition, but that's all it is. Sure if you have way too much fat you'll weigh a lot more, but you'll also have a much higher body fat %. Stop and think what you're really trying to do here, you're not trying to lose muscle, your trying to lose fat (one would hope), so what's the real enemy, Body Fat %, not weight. There is such a thing as skinny fat. You can lose all the body weight you want, but if you still have a high Body Fat %, your health will still be in some danger.

    Put it this way, you can have 2 women, stand them side by side, they can be the same height, age, and look exactly the same with clothes on. But one woman can weigh 20 lbs more than the other one. The one who weighs 20 more is leaner but has more muscle, and is actually in a smaller dress size, now do you think she is pissed that she is 20 lbs heavier? I'll be she would be right up until she saw the other woman with her close off, then realized muscle is sexy (to a point).

    The question to ask yourself is this, would you rather weigh 120 lbs and be 28% body fat or 130 and have 21% body fat?
    That's why weight is arbitrary.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I totally understand where you are coming from Boss... I did put myself at 190 lbs next to a woman who weighs 150 pounds, both in a bikini and no one believed me when I said I weighed as much as I did. The 150 pound woman was jelly with a capital J. She had a smaller bone structure than I, but you couldn't compare.
    But... when I was 130 pounds, I was also just coming off being a national and international level athlete and I was maybe all of 10% BF.:glasses:
    Now I'm 42%...
    and I can't seem to lose any weight no matter what I do. Been plateau'd at 190 pounds since February. Ate clean, ate dirty, cut alcohol, jacked up my cardio. Been for an annual cleared of any "fat diseases"... So...:explode:
    I keep my scale near and dear, although every Wednesday sucks *kitten* because I'm either up or down 2-5 pounds. Maybe one day I'll magically lose 40 pounds overnight ::laugh:
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