New Grandma and new to fitness pal

I just became a Grandma for the first time and will soon become a grandma for the 2nd time. I am off for the summer and know I need to get my eating habits back in control. Would enjoy meeting friends here..


  • sarah0832
    sarah0832 Posts: 5
    I am a new member and will become a first time grandma in December. My doctor told me to watch sodium and potassium, so that is how I'm changing my diet. I hope we can help each other.

  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    I am also a first time Grandma, to Lilah Rose Grace, my little precious princess, who is two months old x
  • hockeymama1963
    hockeymama1963 Posts: 45 Member
    How lucky you are to be a grammie for the first time. My daughter and her husband don't plan to have any for about 4 more years and my eldest son doesn't seem to be able to find a nice girl to settle down with.

    Have an awesome time with those babies!!!

  • leeesa999
    leeesa999 Posts: 1
    I'm a grandma too! I have 2 grandkids, ages 6 and 1. I just joined and would love to connect with others over 40 since I think our struggles for weight loss are different as we age. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Marne53
    Marne53 Posts: 180 Member
    Hi Grandma's, I have 6 grandkids and 4 daughters. I'm busy and need to find the time for me. Marne