Calories... HELP!!!

What happens if you don't eat all of your calories for the day?? I don't want to be eating a whole lot in the evenings and don't want to eat just to eat calories.... Help!!


  • RedWeb
    RedWeb Posts: 108 Member
    What happens if you don't eat all of your calories for the day??

    What do you think will happen ?
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    It depends how far under you are.

    Severely under - you'd probably be looking at a rapid metabolic adaption to the lower intake, might lead to a long frustrating plateau and possibly other health issues. Very low calorie diets should only be performed under medical supervision

    Slightly under - I wouldn't worry about it.

    If you're having trouble getting the cals up, peanut butter and olive oil are your best friends.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    You will also increase the chances of losing lean muscle mass as your body will catabolize it for energy. This is why protein and strength training is so important so you can maintain your LBM and maintain your metabolism. Also, why are you putting a limit on when you can eat? It doesn't matter when you eat, your body will continue to metabolize the food the same.
  • StandStrong32
    Thanks! I have been battling weight loss issues FOREVER!!! I also have a under-active Thyroid (which means I don't have a good metabolism right now) that I am taking medicine for. I have been challenged for a long time to try and lose weight and have finally found a Great way to exercise and the time to do it. I work full time, was a single mom and didn't have time to walk without paying for someone to keep my child... but have recently gotten married so I have the built in babysitter here and have been able to get up early before work and join my girlfriends who have been walking all year, YEAH!!! I have been walking 3 miles 3 to 4 times a week, watching what I eat (I LOVE food and don't like diets because they don't teach you how to eat) trying to make sure I don't eat too much and also eat what I can count calories for. I just signed up today on myfitnesspal because I have seen proof that it works through a couple of friends so I wanted to give this a chance. I have never known what calories I should eat to lose weight but have known than you should eat enough to actually allow your body to lose weight along with exercise.

    When I signed up on here today it told me what I needed to eat as far as calories between 1600 and 1700 calories a day to lose a pound a week and when I started putting in what I had eaten and what I was planning on eating for supper, I still had almost 400 calories left and was a little confused... Hence, RedWeb, why I was asking the stupid question!!! I know I should eat the calories and wanted to figure out if eating them at the end of my day was okay... because I have always been told you didn't need to eat after 6 or 7 at night!!!!!

    I know this was a stupid question, but Thanks Captian_Tight and psulemon for answering it and not making me feel ignorant!

    I just want results and know that for the past month walking 2 1/2 the first two weeks and then 3 miles (in 46 to 48 minutes!!!) for the past 2 weeks of that month, I am not seeing a difference in the scale... actually have gained a few pounds!! I do understand that muscle weighs more than fat and I didn't do my measurements before starting but can tell a little (and I mean a little) difference in how my pants are fitting... I just was really confused as so the calorie issue of having that many left over after eating a really good supper.

    Here's to a successful weight-loss story about to unfold in my life!!
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    Slightly under calories will help you lose weight.
  • StandStrong32
    What would you consider slightly under??