NEW to everything!

Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
I am 35, and have been overweight for 8 years. I was never overweight before, never had to workout, never had to count a calorie, so all of this is SOOO new to me! I am looking for friends who can help me with questions along the way! Seasoned or new like me, we can learn along the way.

I have "started" this journey about a year ago, but not to lose weight! I started by stopping! i quit smoking almost one year ago. I recently also started taking protein shakes to help me with reducing calories.

My main problem in this journey that I have noticed in the last month is late night snacking. My husband works night shift, so I usually wake up at noon, and go to sleep around 4am. SO, 9-10 pm would be my typical "dinner" time, however I cant get it out of my head that this is "bad" for me! SO, i find myself snacking instead of eating a meal. I have also discovered that my COPD is making it more difficult for me to work out than I thought! However, i am doing it! 10 minutes 5 days a week to start on the elliptical. I am looking into swimming soon.

Thanks for learning a little about me, and please read my profile to learn more! If you think we could help each other, please add me!

Thank you! for listening! =)


  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    Hello! introduced myself earlier, but everyone must have been exercising! I would really love some friends and supporters for my journey! =)
  • mishimouse101
    mishimouse101 Posts: 47 Member
    In my thirties, I had a few pounds creeping on each year. What I could have done differently would have been to add a little more exercise to compensate for the more sedentary job.

    Regarding your late dinners-what about a light workout between 8-9 to stimulate your appetite and then your meal can be small to medium to reflect the workout and replace protein, etc. This might help stave off later snacking if your evening meal is tied to your activity level?