Hi my name is Amber. I have been on here 2 times before and this is my third attempt to keep track of what I am eating.

So I bought my self a ONE SIZE SMALLER TWO PIECE BIKINI FROM VICTORIAS SECRET (its sooo cute)!!! I am going to try and fit into it by Aug. a 6 week program I am doing from TURBO FIRE, LOVE IT.

FRIEND ME IF YOU LOVE BEACH BODY OR are trying to loose weight!!!

BTW - I have 60 pounds to loose total but first goal is 25 pounds then I will go from there. I am 5'4.5" and 190 pounds!! GROSS! my goal weight and size is 130 lbs and size 6!! :-) Hopefully I will be able to do it.


  • ShellBell4281
    ShellBell4281 Posts: 127 Member
    I'll be your friend. Starting Turbo Fire tomorrow :)
  • mawlmiias
    mawlmiias Posts: 6
    Never worn a bikini in public! :embarassed: This summer I WILL!
  • jaric01
    jaric01 Posts: 132 Member
    What a coincidence, I have 6 weeks to fit into MY bikini! ;-)

    Seriously, welcome aboard, good luck, and feel free to add me.