Sugar Intake?

No matter how healthy I think I'm eating, I'm always going over on sugar! I like to eat fruit so maybe this is why?? Help me please!


  • kaylacroswhite
    kaylacroswhite Posts: 19 Member
  • LittleTrish
    LittleTrish Posts: 27 Member
    Im in the same boat, Im not consuming enough calories but when I try I find im going over my sugar intake. To be honest I ended up removing it from my diary because mentally its doing more damage than good. My diet is really healthy especially when you consider what I used to eat. I was going over my sugar's by about 20g on average. The thing is when I first started my diary I did not have sugar on there, I added this on last week and all its done is made me feel crappy. The sugar is coming from my yogurt which im changing to an even lower fat type and also I think it was coming from my low fat wrap.
    Im just going to do what I feel comfortable with, Im not eating anything bad so im happy with removing it
  • Saiklor
    Saiklor Posts: 183
    I think that you should consider the bigger issues first: are you feeling okay? eating vaguely healthy things? losing weight on schedule?

    if so, then I wouldn't worry too much.

    if, on the other hand, you're eating only fruit and gaining weight and feeling crummy, then it's time to rethink
  • soehlerking
    soehlerking Posts: 589 Member
    yeah, it's taking a realistic look at where the sugar is coming from: i go over b/c of yogurt and fruit. granted i could cut out fruit, switch to all veggies, and eat plain yogurt...but is that really something i'll be able to stick to in this lifestyle change? don't let your sugar count ruin fruit for you.
  • annahiven
    annahiven Posts: 177 Member
    I always go over on sugar, by at least 20 grams a day, due to the amount of fruits I eat. But that's okay, because I stay under on the other important stuff. For example, I went from being over on sodium every day to being under, because I started to have smoothies for lunches... But the fruit in the smoothie caused a sugar overage.

    As long as it's not from stupid stuff like candy or soda, I don't worry about it.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Cap'ns' rules:

    If it's coming from fruit and you're not diabetic, don't worry about it.
    If it's coming from fruit and you are diabetic, only worry about if it's jacking your glucose up.
    If it's coming from junk food, quit it.
  • imthelobster
    imthelobster Posts: 179 Member
    Cap'ns' rules:

    If it's coming from fruit and you're not diabetic, don't worry about it.
    If it's coming from fruit and you are diabetic, only worry about if it's jacking your glucose up.
    If it's coming from junk food, quit it.

  • LiveLifeLogically
    LiveLifeLogically Posts: 41 Member
    It really depends on your body. I am not a fan of sugar, at all. This is only because I prefer salt and fat, LOL! I occasionally like a cookie or scoop of ice cream, but it is few and far between. However, I see "stars" when my sugar is low. Which means I HAVE to eat something with sugar in it...which I hate. Do you have any symptoms of low sugar? If not, lay off the sugar, it rots your teeth and thickens you guy. Natural sugar from fresh fruit is not a bad thing, just limit your intake. You are doing awesome, keep up the good work sweetie!
  • Savvay
    Savvay Posts: 4
    This post actually made me feel a lot better. I've been so concerned about going over sugar but it almost seems impossible to stay under when you want to eat fruit, and how can you just cut that out when realistically you're supposed to be eating it as part of a balanced diet.
  • stricken1
    stricken1 Posts: 6
    Phew...I feel better now too!! I was eating a muesli bar, and 2 mandarins and going the odd apple! I was surprised to see SO much sugar in some vegetables as well.....but my diet is WAY better, and I think fresh fruit and vegetables is an acceptable sugar....just WHEN you eat is the thing. I try to have mine in the morning, so I have time to burn it off, then have around 7 almonds for a snack in afternoon, so that I feel full, but dont have all the sugar to burn!
  • eathealthy2live
    eathealthy2live Posts: 10 Member
    fruits like bananas, apples and pineapples are high in sugar..But its the good kind. you can eat fruits and veggies with sugar but just watch the amount you eat. 1 banana has 14g of sugar, it's very easy to go over with fruits and veggies like that
  • eathealthy2live
    eathealthy2live Posts: 10 Member
    so true... great point
  • Yes fruits are packed with natural sugar....Honestly I mean I don't really worry about sugar to much, because healthy or not I am always over...IT'S SODIUM YOU SHOULD WORRY ABOUT THE MOST:)
  • wdr777
    wdr777 Posts: 1
    How is your sugar level? Looking at the sugar level in your blood is what is important? I am always over in my sugar intake, but my doctor tells me I am healthy (sugar level under 100).I haven't been sick in 4 years and I am 66 years old. It is easy for our sugar intake to get out of control so you do need to watch eating the sweets and sugar filled drinks, because we get plenty of sugar from natural food intake. Consider this article:
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Cap'ns' rules:

    If it's coming from fruit and you're not diabetic, don't worry about it.
    If it's coming from fruit and you are diabetic, only worry about if it's jacking your glucose up.
    If it's coming from junk food, quit it.


    Double this. Short and to the point. (Plus I love
  • eathealthy2live
    eathealthy2live Posts: 10 Member
    Sodium is very important too...but sugar is what really makes the cake... you have to track your sugar.
    Too Much Sugar Like I mentioned, too much sugar fails to produce a critical hormone in your body called leptin.
    Leptin has proven in study after study to be a key player in how your appetite center functions
    and how much fat your body uses or preserves. This essential hormone is released by fat cells
    and has many functions, but its primary job is to signal to your body that you’ve had enough
    food—think of it as the street signal that switches to red when it’s time to stop eating. Sounds
    like a pretty important hormone, right? Well, guess what sugar does—it suppresses your body’s
    production of leptin. A study done at the University of California, Davis determined that fructose
    (one of the most common sugars, often consumed as high-fructose corn syrup) failed to stimulate
    leptin and insulin production, claiming it “contribute to decreased satiety and increased food
    intake.” 10 When you don’t produce enough leptin, three negative things follow:
    • Your Body Stores Belly Fat. Research studies have shown that leptin directly
    contributes to a decrease in abdominal fat11—without it your body is programmed to
    store fat in your abdominal region.

    • You Overeat. When your leptin “signaling center” isn’t working, you don’t know when
    to stop eating—and pretty soon you end up with a traffic jam of food in your body ready
    to get stored as fat. Where this fat gets deposited depends on your genetics, but most of
    us start storing it in our midsection, while others carry it in their butt, hips, or thighs. And
    the snowball effect of missing leptin doesn’t stop there—once you’ve gained this weight
    your body can actually become leptin resistant. You see, when you gain weight, your fat
    cells get bigger and because that’s where leptin comes from, you produce TOO much of
    it to the point where your body doesn’t respond to it anymore. And this is why you will
    just continue to feel endless hunger and gain an endless amount of weight.

    • You Turn Off Fat-Burning Mechanisms. In addition to signaling that you’re full, leptin
    also fulfills an essential role in fat burning. Leptin triggers an enzyme in your body to
    burn fat. One study done at Harvard Medical School stated that leptin “can directly
    stimulate fatty acid oxidation” which is a scientific way of saying fat burning. They even
    went on to call what leptin does a “fat-melting” activity. 13 So when you eat too much
    sugar and your leptin production goes down, you actually stop your body from burning
  • blondiek91
    blondiek91 Posts: 22
    Im in the same boat, Im not consuming enough calories but when I try I find im going over my sugar intake. To be honest I ended up removing it from my diary because mentally its doing more damage than good. My diet is really healthy especially when you consider what I used to eat. I was going over my sugar's by about 20g on average. The thing is when I first started my diary I did not have sugar on there, I added this on last week and all its done is made me feel crappy. The sugar is coming from my yogurt which im changing to an even lower fat type and also I think it was coming from my low fat wrap.
    Im just going to do what I feel comfortable with, Im not eating anything bad so im happy with removing it

    I also go over my sugar pretty much everyyyy day... if your looking to lower your sugar intake with a lower fat yoghurt I'd check the label first as low fat products tend to put more sugar in
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    I don't worry about it so long as its coming from natural sources like fruits rather than added sugar and junk food. If my weight loss ever stalls out I'll reevaluate but I love my fruit and don't want to have to skip it! That being said I do have slightly wonky blood sugar (technical term right there) and so simple carbs like juice and plain white pasta and bread can jack my sugar levels up then send them crashing down (along with my energy, mood & coordination). So long as I'm careful about the source of my sugar and ensuring that I'm balancing it with fiber (like eating whole fruits instead of sauces and juices... With the exception of this week because I just got two wisdom teeth out and am on a liquid/soft foods diet) I'm ok.

    So moral is: do you feel like poo? Has your weight loss stalled? Are you diabetic? Yes to any it's time to rethink your take on fruit sugar, if all no's then don't worry about it too much.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    fruits are packed with natural sugar
    So are the white packets in the grocery store.
  • jess1992uga
    jess1992uga Posts: 603 Member
    Also the sugar limit is realistically just for added sugars. I eat healthy and always go over in sugar too but it is sugar from fruits and dairy and those are fine sources. I think it is more the quality and less about the quantity of sugar.