Odd Hours Making Your Food & Exercise Log Wacky?

> I'm sure I'm not the only one -- there are many of us out there that work odd hours and do the best we can.
> Personally, I work 12+ hour shifts, and each month it shifts from Days (~3am - 530pm) to Nights (~330pm - 530am), and that doesn't leave much room in my remaining day for exercise and positive living. Granted, when I talk about my work hours, I am including my commute time; but I have to be realistic about all of this. In addition to that, the days that I am not on duty are still fufilled as if I were to be, my sleeping/awake hours dont change and I am (technically) always on call.
> I've been logging my food and exercise for a while now, but have only started the MFP path. I have struggled with making sure that what I'm logging is getting catagorized properly. For some people it may not matter, but for me and my exercise style it's important to make sure that the calories that I am consuming are logged approperately.
> If you've been doing this for a while, you know that your body burns calories differently from others, and that your exercise routine and eating schedule should be catered to your body for your unique personal goals.
> I have made a point to schedule what times I am allowing myself to eat for both my day and night schedules. This way I am able to stick to a routine (though changing) that will facillitate healthy living. The hardest part for me is to incorperate an extensive and alternating exercise routine into a night schedule as I would on a day schedule.
> I query to those of you who have odd schedules: What are some routines or meal/work-out schedules that you have set to help you stay on point with your goals? What are some of the challenges that you have incountered while on your odd hours?
> Many thanks for your thoughts!!