Slap me please!

Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
Yesterday, I went swimsuit shopping with my boyfriend. If anyone who is uncomfortable with the number on their scale knows, this is a complete nightmare. I decided to try a plus size fashion store for teens and young adults, Torrid. When I arrived there, I really didn't find a swimsuit I liked. The saleswoman was, of course, thinner and much more attractive than me. I happened to look up and see a model with one of their signature one pieces on. I loved it. I turned to the saleswoman and asked her if they had any left. She told me, "We might have a couple, but you won't fit into it. It was designed to control and suck in fat, and a lot of our larger women are having trouble fitting into it." I was so pissed and hurt by what she said, and it killed me that my boyfriend heard her tell me that. I felt my eyes tear up, and I grabbed the nearest swimsuit and told her to just take me to a fitting room. I sat in that room and cried for five minutes. I spent a couple more drying my tears, and walked out. Maybe I overreacted, maybe I should have said something. But instead I let it boil inside me, and I spent the rest of the evening feeling like the biggest whale in the ocean. And to top it all off, the stupid swimsuit really didn't fit.

What happened at that store really made me think. When the hell did I become such a little *****? Two years ago I would have ripped her a new one, and then bought the freakin suit anyway. What has happened to me? Today is the one month anniversary of starting mfp. So far I have lost 10 lbs. My total weight loss goal is 107 lbs. But... This month has been ridiculous! I am sure I would lose more, but I will do great for a few days, then completely crash! I am trying to find the motivation that keeps the fire burning, really gives me a passion for change. I want to feel like the old me. So what stokes the flames?

I thought that when I saw a picture of myself it would make me want to really get out there and do what I need to do(I refuse to look at myself in pictures or allow people to take them). So I asked a friend to show me a current picture of myself. I really believed I could use it for starting ground. What was in the camera made me literally nauseous. I looked like a caricature, a bloated, sad version of myself. Again, the old me would have burned the pic over some tequila shots and gone on a six mile jogg. Well, I am not that old Mikki anymore. Which is probably why I am here. So instead, I sank even lower. I have gained three of the ten pounds back in two days already.

I just started working a second job (at 24 hour fitness with a free gym membership no less), and some really rough demons from my past have been burrowing into my mind. I have taken my frustration out on my boyfriend, and he and I just cannot seem to get along. I want be healthy and happy again.I really do. So badly. I am just absolutely lost on how to juggle everything in my life, and devote myself to becoming the person I have always wanted to be. I am embarrassed about the way I look, especially knowing that the love of my life has to come home and see that. I am ashamed that I used to be so proud of my athletic ability, and now I see a pathetic slob in the mirror.
What do I do? I want to feel beautiful again. I don't like seeing a picture of myself and have to hold back tears. I hate that I don't have any clothes that fit, or when I go out, I try and avoid eye contact so that no one sees the fear of ridicule all over my face.I am tired of avoiding my family so that they won't know I have let myself become this... THING. I want this so freaking bad. But I don't know how. I guess to end this, I am terrified, absolutely terrified. I need help.


  • Graciecny
    Graciecny Posts: 303
    I don't know what to say, other than the b***h at the store is the one that needs to be slapped! :explode: :mad: I'd go all :devil: on her *kitten*!
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    You don't need a just need to be patient. You're on the right path, stay focused on your goals, eventually you will reach your goals. I would guess that about 60-70% of us or more are not happy when we look at ourselves in the you are defintely not alone. You're taking the right steps, just stick to your plan and don't let insensitive sales people derail you.
  • mightyminerva
    mightyminerva Posts: 145 Member
    I'm off to bed at the moment, but I *had* to respond in some fashion right now. I hope you'll excuse the brevity.

    You've only been at this for a month! I've lost just over 10 pounds but in 40 days. You're doing so well, and I think you're on par for how you should be losing. Please don't lose your motivation! That saleswoman be darned. You are worth so much!

    You've made the first step in coming on here and by logging everything. You just need to find a routine that works for you. Hopefully your new job will help you to find some activity that can become an easy everyday addition to your schedule. Don't lose hope! You're just beginning. You're here to lose 107 pounds, and you've lost 10! That's a huge achievement!

    As for your boyfriend, could you sit down with him and tell him that you're frustrated and why you're having a hard time? I don't have a boyfriend to accompany me on this journey, but I do have friends. I've found that they respond with support and understanding. I'm sure he would too, and isn't it better that he understands that your change in temperament is because of your own health-related issue instead of anything he's done? I'm sure he could help you sort your frustrations out.

    Keep going, and together we can reach our goals. We're friends on MFP, and we have both lost about the same amount and have the same ultimate amount to lose. Please don't give up. Prove that saleswoman and yourself wrong!

    Lots of love, xx
  • jagwab
    jagwab Posts: 93
    I'm sorry that you had to go through that. I know first hand the humiliation you must have felt.
    I think you took the high road and didn't say what you were thinking.
    Now go write a letter and call the company headquarters and tell them exactly what happened.
    And just keep going day by day, hour by hour if needed to get to your goal.
    Don't let anyone or anything get in your way.
  • MENichols5
    MENichols5 Posts: 176 Member
    I don't think you overreacted at all. I have been a sm/med most of my life and at my heaviest two years ago a sales person pointed out rack of dresses to me and said "these are all larges so you should look through them!". I was mortified because I never thought I would get to a size large (I'm short) and it ruined the rest of my day BUT this was actually a turning point for me. A few weeks later I joined weight watchers online and in 5 months I lost 18 lbs and was down to a size small again.

    Long story short, I know how it feels! That saleswoman is not only terrible at her job, but is also mean and has other issues going on I'm sure. I know that felt horrible when she said that, gut-wrenching actually, but use it as motivation. Like you, I've had the "great for a few days, fall off the wagon, great for a few days..." rut but I've found that setting a goal helps me stay focused (an upcoming event or something to work towards fitting into a new outfit perhaps?).

    Anyways, you've lost 10 lbs so far which is amazing (and those 3 you gained back are most likely just water weight from a few bad days). Just set a goal and jump back in! Don't give up :heart:
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    Thank you guys, I really appreciate that. It definitely shook me up a bit. I need to try and be more positive and adulate myself on the things I HAVE been doing right. Sometimes I forget that I am only human.
  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    Hang in there. I think you might benefit from making a list of things you like and love about yourself right away. Anything can go on that list, physical features, character traits (restraint and courtesy can go right near the top), skills. Hang it where you can see it! I have been there, hating myself because of how I looked, and that did NOT motivate me to improve anything. I just felt defeated and thought, "oh what does it matter?" and didn't make much effort to improve anything. Then, set some goals. Again, they can be physical, but not JUST how you look. I think the physical goals should be action goals, "I will work out ( ) days per week for ( ) minutes". I will eat (set calorie goals---REALISTIC ones).

    I believe in you. You can make the changes you want to make, be the person you want to be. Just take one step at a time. That 3 lb. gain will disappear quickly and you will be on your way to a healthier and happier you. Good luck!

    BTW, for what it's worth, that sales clerk was incredibly rude! Even if she was having a "bad day" or whatever, there is NO excuse for her to treat you like that. I personally would think twice about shopping there again! The hard thing about contacting the manager is that you have to re-hash the whole experience. It might be a good idea so she doesn't get away with what she did, but you will have to decide if it is worth bringing the whole thing up. On the other hand, it might also bring you some closure to the terrible experience!
  • lelstar
    lelstar Posts: 374 Member
    Slap - purely cos you asked ;-)
    Now, that lady was *****y and its what I hate about customer service these days. If you want to work things out with your bf start by explaining to him what's in your head - he's the one person you should be able to be totally honest with - and then when you start totake it out on him in future stop, breathe and start again. As for your weight loss just like everyone else has said you've only just started! Keep going, it will take time and you still need to find what works for you.
  • harleygaljojo
    harleygaljojo Posts: 111 Member
    I would send a nice little pissed off letter to the main office letting them know exactly what happened. That you thought this was a plus size store to help people with what they needed not to insult them. And that you have already notified all of your buddies of MFP of what has happened and they will not shop there as long as they keep that person employed.
  • DorisInTheDena
    DorisInTheDena Posts: 152 Member
    Saleschick needs a new job and some tact. I would be calling the stores main office, for sure! That is ridiculous!! :mad:

    By the way, you are BEAUTIFUL!
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    It does not sound like she was trying to be unkind to you.
    It was just a young, awkward person wanting to help. We can't expect the world to treat us with kid gloves.
    You are doing what you need to do to reach your goals, so worry not.
    All Is Possible:flowerforyou:
  • Kal_n_130
    Kal_n_130 Posts: 119 Member
    I would deff be balling my eyes out as well.. But id totally tell that lady off! Your a gorgeous girl, don't let any one put you down! I know exactly what ur going through i always do great then end up screwing up after a few days but u just have to keep pushing things will get easier and u will regain ur self control! Every thing takes time ur doing a great job so far. AND if ur progress is going slower than u want just remember your changing ur life and being healthier at least. Things will fall in place!
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member

    First: keep your head up! you're not overreacting

    Second: eff that lady. I woulda told the manager so fast. that's so rude to say and horrible even if someone was 1000 pounds. I would definitely go back and tell the manager...
  • tishad58
    tishad58 Posts: 110 Member
    Oh BOY. I think the first thing you need to do for you is- complain about the woman at the store. She has NO biz working in a plus size store with THAT attitude!! No- take that back,,, She doesn't need to work in a clothing store at all- period. Seriously, please either call the manager or write a letter to the company and let them know what kind of an experience you had there.

    I say that because I think you will feel a lot better about yourself if you make that complaint- it puts you in control of the situation and it sounds like you need that.

    Maybe we aren't at the BMI we want to be at yet- but that does NOT give ANYONE the right to treat you or me or any of us like *kitten*.
  • mikek333
    mikek333 Posts: 78 Member
    Not a lady so I may be way off base here. But wasn't the sales lady actually doing you a favor by not wasting your time with something that doesn't fit and wouldn't look good. Granted, she could have asked your size and offered to order one in your size if they didn't have one in stock.

    If you have 100 + pounds to lose, you are doing the right thing the right way on MFP and you should be ecstatic with your results so far. I am impressed, FWIW.
  • MadiRose2
    MadiRose2 Posts: 145
    I don't know what to say, besides YOU CAN DO THIS! I promise. Do not give up! You will be so happy once you reach your goal, that you did not give up.

    Good luck to you!!!!!!! <3

  • ashlye08
    ashlye08 Posts: 22 Member
    Firstly, the mirror doesn't reflect anything but the physical representation of you. We tend to get stuck on it a lot because its what is easiest to identify. You seem very intelligent and an emotional person. The emotional doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing, it just means you understand how words effect those around you.

    My advice is to focus on yourself. Remember that you are a beautiful person no matter what the scale says. It takes will power, dedication, and sometimes several attempts to reach the goals you set. If they were easy you wouldn't have to work so hard.

    So (and I don't mean this in a bad way) pull on your big girl panties, take a deep breath, and tell yourself "yes, this is hard but it is for the better" and just do it.

    Basil is an herb that can help elevate your mood so use fresh basil whenever possible to give you a boost, exercise does too. And remember, just because you have something you REALLY shouldn't sometimes doesn't mean you should feel guilty and punish yourself and give up on your goals. You just have to make sure that the little cheat isn't a daily activity. I mean the calorie tracker on here gives you the knowledge to understand what you have to do to earn those cheats!

    Good luck, I hope this helps and that stupid c**t from the store probably ought to take her happy as$ to a new job where she won't have to expose people to her poor attitude and lack of tact.
  • rahmyers
    rahmyers Posts: 75 Member
    Wow what a horrid sales woman! You can over come this. Use her nasty words every time you want to give up and cheat. Every time you've got to push that last bit to get a tough workout done because think about how miserable she is inside herself to have to be like that! You just have some weight to loose, her ugly is inside and it's a lot harder to change! If ever or possible!! You'll be thinner and happier while she sadly will still be miserable.
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    Sorry to say, but this is my issue: WHY DOES TORRID HAVE SWIMSUITS FOR PLUS SIZE WOMEN THAT PLUS SIZE WOMEN CANT FIT INTO.....just saying, thats a little horrible to do to people.
  • MrsJaimeW
    MrsJaimeW Posts: 54

    First: keep your head up! you're not overreacting

    Second: eff that lady. I woulda told the manager so fast. that's so rude to say and horrible even if someone was 1000 pounds. I would definitely go back and tell the manager...

    I couldn't agree more!