New to Myfitnesspal

Hey gang! I am new to this website and I have to say so far I love it. I am just in need of supporters on here! I am so thankful that my family and friends are supportive but there is nothing like support coming from those who are going through the same thing you are! Please feel free to add me as a friend! I promise I give the support back.

I am a mother of two beautiful children, Gracie is 8 and Dawson is 6. I have been married to my wonderful husband for almost 9 years. I have always struggled with weight but after the birth of my son I just couldn't get it off. Less than 3 years later I was diagnosed with a medical condition (PCOD) that hinders me from losing the weight like I should. Basically I have an endocrine disorder where my body produces insulin but my body doesn't absorb it like it should. Anyway,,,,,we are planning on a family vacation next year to Disney World and I want to be fit and healthy for the trip and be able to enjoy the rides with my kids. Also, my husband and I are planning to renew our wedding vows for our 10 year Anniversary and then a trip to Chicago just for us. Anyway, I thought I would share my story and hope to gain many friends on here!



  • cruisinskier
    cruisinskier Posts: 63 Member
    Hi Cabotmommy! Welcome to MFP! I have been on here for about 6 weeks and am totally hooked. Feel free to add me if you wish.
  • sassydebbie67
    Welcome to mfp... you can add me if you like..
  • selig0730
    selig0730 Posts: 509 Member
    welcome, im totally hooked and hope you like it too. feel free to add me as well.