Anyone in the 300+ Crowd Wanna Join Me?

I could use some encouragement from others who have as long of a journey to make as myself....


  • aphrogirl2002
    Sign me up "Thick." I'm at 334 and have lost 18 pounds in the past 6 or 7 weeks. I've got 100+ to lose but am taking it in baby steps. It's easy to feel overwhelmed when you think about your ultimate goal, so I focus on taking it one day at a time. Some days I feel like I've got a handle on my situation and other days I don't feel as secure. I've certainly fallen off the wagon a few times, but I've picked myself up and kept moving. Results...not excuses has become my mantra these days. I don't want to lament over what I haven't done over the years. I want to focus on what I can do. The only thing standing in the way of my success is ME! I know that I can do it and I know that YOU can too. Please feel free to add me and let's keep in touch. We can support each other on this life changing journey.
  • foxontherun03
    You can add me if you'd like.
  • electricmime
    electricmime Posts: 1 Member
    I was 340 at my heaviest and 281 at my lightest. I'm now 293 after my latest fall from grace. I've been purposely working on my weight and health for a few years now and have bumped against that 280 barrier a few times. Perseverance is key, as with all things.

    One thing that I've done lately is emotionally separate my nutrition from my exercise. They are separate projects in my mind.. that way, when I fail on my diet I don't feel like a failure overall as I've been doing excellent on exercise. When both were together, I'd tend to get frustrated and give up on both for months at a time.

    Also, I am NOT exercising to lose weight... I'm exercising to gain fitness. My exercising and the scale have nothing to do with each other. I don't even track it on MFP, and I don't track any food on my exercise tracker. Any weight loss benefits from exercise are complete bonus points.

    What is your reason for wanting to lose weight? For me, it was simply mobility and quality of life. It was hard to move around, and I didn't fit in chairs at events, or on rides at sixflags. And now, I'm impressing people with some of my physicality.
  • thickerella
    thickerella Posts: 154 Member
    I hate being limited by the size of my body. Riding roller coasters is just one of the limits. At my highest weight I was 396. After I had my son I was 312 (and felt great!) I gained a little weight after that, but in the 2 years since I was disabled in a car accident weight has come back at an alarmingly fast rate. Once I got under 360 years ago I SWORE to myself I would never see that number on the scale again. Once I saw that I was a 345 and climbing I knew it was time to get serious again. I want to go to Japan one day and the thought of lumbering around like Godzilla is humiliating at BEST, so, time to get on the weight-loss train.

    It's only day 3 but I am craving pizza like a mad fiend. I wonder how many calories I would burn smashing Tokoyo. ;)
  • LarStar
    LarStar Posts: 102 Member
    Hi Guys! I'd love to be friends to encourage eachother on our path