New to MFP

Today was day 7 for me and although I have stayed within my 1200 calorie intake and gotten a little more exercise than I normally would I have only lost a total of 1 lb for the the week. Is this normal? Am I expecting too much to soon? I normally would eat out almost daily and never watch what I eat or count calories. I hit an all time high at 154.5 and have been there for about a year and now its time for me to do something about it before it gets out of hand. Any tips anyone?


  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    Yes, you're expecting too much too soon. You don't have to enter the max of 2lbs per week. You want to change your lifestyle, and it's a process that takes time. You'll be learning to enjoy heathier foods and getting support from others here. The time will fly by and the weight will come off quickly enough. Lots of success stories here to sift through to keep your motivation up.
  • I see quite a few people who speak the same way:

    "I've been working out hard for the last 5 days, but I don't feel any different and I haven't lost weight" or "I've kept my calories below X over this last week, and I only lost Xlbs".

    I actually told one of my MFP friends that I haven't given up on strength training just because I am not ripped after my 5th day.
    You are definitely expecting too much too soon.

    If you have the mindset of expecting results overnight, then you will quickly adapt a defeatist attitude when those results don't come. Realize that you did not get to your current weight in the blink of an eye, and you definitely won't lose it that fast either.
    I'm not one of those annoying fitness gurus or trainers, but I will say that a new mentality towards fitness will start to feel good, it will invigorate you, and you will keep exercising and eating right.......not because you think you have to, but because you want to, because you enjoy how you feel when you keep up that progress.

    I speak these words as a recovering Reese's Peanut Butter Cup addict, a brownie and cupcake junkie, and a hardcore pastry toker.

    I hope you too enjoy the journey, and I wish you the best in achieving your goals.