JUICING!?! Help please....



  • bhall33
    bhall33 Posts: 55 Member
    Wow! Fabulous suggestions Woozle and bhall :smile: They definitely help!

    Your welcome, I actually juice every day, After my work out at night, I make enough juice to fill 2 thermostats and a 20oz glass. I have the 20oz glass immediately and then one thermostat in the morning and one at lunch the next day. It is best to drink the juice immediately but I have found keeping it in a good thermostat in the fridge holds the juice very well. But never let it go longer than 24 hours.

    When you start juicing, you might not like the taste, but the energy it gives you is unbelievable.

    I've always wondered if you could keep the juice after you make it - some of the recipes call for enough for 4 servings and no one else in my house is going to drink it!! Whenever I've made fruit smoothies I've found I have to drink them right away or they start to turn on me and go sour. I'll be sure to invest in a good air tight container! Thanks

    Air tight is key and althoough the recipe asks for 4 you really don't need to make four. Cleaning the machine can be annoying so that's the main reason I make extra. And I have an easy to clean Breville Juice Fountain Pro
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    Yeah the machine I have looks intimidating (and probably is the least intimidating of all!!!). I am just one of those people who gets stupid nervous over dumb things lol. Yeah, I had planned to half recipes, but the few I did see ended up with super weird measurements if you quartered them, ya know?
    Now do you use the juice as a meal replacement or in addition to? Like I said originally my doctor wanted me to juice to add to my intake already but I've read up on Gerson Therapy since I have some serious neurological problems and thought maybe if all goes well I'd juice almost exclusively eventually. It seems like it might be too much to give up "real" food though ;-) Plus coffee colonics might be bringing it to a whole new path that I just don't want to travel. :blushing:
  • bhall33
    bhall33 Posts: 55 Member
    Yeah the machine I have looks intimidating (and probably is the least intimidating of all!!!). I am just one of those people who gets stupid nervous over dumb things lol. Yeah, I had planned to half recipes, but the few I did see ended up with super weird measurements if you quartered them, ya know?
    Now do you use the juice as a meal replacement or in addition to? Like I said originally my doctor wanted me to juice to add to my intake already but I've read up on Gerson Therapy since I have some serious neurological problems and thought maybe if all goes well I'd juice almost exclusively eventually. It seems like it might be too much to give up "real" food though ;-) Plus coffee colonics might be bringing it to a whole new path that I just don't want to travel. :blushing:

    I definitely don't use it as a meal replacement. It should be to supplement what ever else you are eating. Just think of it as juice (although thats what it is) Eat your lunch have a juice, eat dinner don't forget your juice. You will eventually find a good mixture you love and you will have no problem drinking them.

    I really do push the apple and lemon though, they really overpower the taste of everything else in the drink. and they taste amazing.
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    Sounds great. I like veggies - so I don't think I will mind the taste (although blended up like they are it might be a little weird) but I will certainly take your suggestion of apple and lemon. It's just the quantity and variety of veggies I have trouble with. I don't always know how to prepare things and I can tolerate about 1 salad a month, so other than dumping a handful of spinach into my eggs or on my pizza, I don't know how else to eat them. And I'm also bad about eating fruit. Everyone thinks I'm crazy because I'd pick a veggie over a fruit any day :-)

    Have you tried mixing your juice with protein powder at all?? The doc also likes me using whey protein (I don't eat much meat).
  • bhall33
    bhall33 Posts: 55 Member
    Sounds great. I like veggies - so I don't think I will mind the taste (although blended up like they are it might be a little weird) but I will certainly take your suggestion of apple and lemon. It's just the quantity and variety of veggies I have trouble with. I don't always know how to prepare things and I can tolerate about 1 salad a month, so other than dumping a handful of spinach into my eggs or on my pizza, I don't know how else to eat them. And I'm also bad about eating fruit. Everyone thinks I'm crazy because I'd pick a veggie over a fruit any day :-)

    Have you tried mixing your juice with protein powder at all?? The doc also likes me using whey protein (I don't eat much meat).

    No I just drink a protein shake first, and then drink my juice about 20 mins later.
  • jennaryan1205
    jennaryan1205 Posts: 43 Member
    My favorite

    4 carrots
    3 granny smith apples
    8 strawberries

    this makes enough for 2 servings, I also like just red apple and carrot!
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    Thanks for the info bhall!!

    Thanks kkckmommy! Sounds delicious :-)
  • Tiff587
    Tiff587 Posts: 264 Member

    Try this link had Jason vale book PDF with lots of recipies.

  • VeggiesandJuice
    Hello :) You'll love juicing ! I had Jack L. juicer and upgraded to a small Breville that was only $100. It works just as great as the larger Breville Juice Fountain. Check out Amazon.com for the compact Breville juicer.

    Favorites are:

    Carrots, apples and cucumbers
    Celery, Spinach, Apple, Cilantro, Carrot, Lemon, Kale mixed with Coconut Water. **Cilantro in moderation, do your research**
    Beet, Radishes, Carrots, Cucumbers for Acid Reflux & Cancers

    I highly suggest you look at Dan The Man/The Life Regenerator, there's too much info & recipes to post !

  • Daydreams406
    Daydreams406 Posts: 249 Member
    a note on cleaning the juicer...might want to do it right away....it rinses clean and washes easily if you do it right after you use the juicer...if you wait the pulp gets dried and it is a bugger to get off!
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    Thanks everyone for pointing me in the right direction and the great advice!!!