RedBox Movie Kiosk NSV

So, this evening, I went to BootCamp class, then I walked 3 miles at a local loop. I had to stop at the pharmacy and pick up my son's ADHD refill and didn't really want to since I was soaking wet and probably smelled like a wet frito. I went in anyway and there was this cute guy that went in right before me with his daughter. She looked to be about my boys age (7 yrs old). I passed the aisle they were on and heard them chatting. He sounded like a sweet dad type. Anyway, I left and they were already gone. As I was on my way to my car I remembered a Redbox movie that I should have returned yesterday but forgot. I turned around and went to return it and there they were! They were picking out a movie, so I stood in line behind them. Then... NSV time... he talked to me. Not like 'hey' or 'we'll be just a minute', but like a real conversation. It went something like this:

Hot Dad: "Hey there.... what movie are you returning?"
Moi: "Oh, this is John Carter"
Hot Dad: "I really liked that movie. Good choice *smile*"
Moi: "Yeah, it was good. I was surprsed because it started out kind of slow"
Hot Dad: "You're so right. I don't think it got enough credit as a good movie or enough promotion when it was released though."
Moi: "Exactly! It was one of those movies that you see on the previews and think 'oh yep, i'll go see that' then you forget about it."
Hot Dad: "*smile and nod* you're right. I wish I would have seen it in the theaters."

His first movie is popping out as we're talking and then the Redbox is taking it's sweet time getting the other one out. His daughter is cranky and huffs because the machine is being slow. He looks at me and kind of gives me that 'ugh, kids.. whaddaya do' look. I nod and tell her, "Oh honey, don't worry, there's a little guy in there and he's got to run all over inside that box to get your movie and poke it out through the little slot" Hot Dad agrees and plays along and makes a comment about the guy being just a little fella like a leprechaun and how he's running around in there.

Their #2 movie comes out and he says, "It was nice talking with you. Have a good evening *lingering eyecontact and big smile*"

I thanked him and we parted ways.

It was just nice... and the reason it was just nice is because men never notice me. I can be the only woman a room full of guys and no one will pay me a second glance. Now, I do get strangers talking to me all the time, but it's usually other Moms or little old ladies in the line at the grocery store. This was a man.... not an old toothless wine-o or someone begging for change. A real guy that was darn well cute. Had a little salt and pepper to his hair and goatee, nice hands and very cute legs. I think he flirted.... I wasn't even sure what to say at first, and if his daughter hadn't been there I would have inquired if he was single and given him my number but I know how single parents can be about things like that when their kids are around.

Maybe next time I see him............... :bigsmile:
