What did it take for you to want to make a change?



  • patchesgizmo
    patchesgizmo Posts: 244 Member
    being diagnosed pre-diabetic. I have never been thin, but I don't want to do diabetes so I am going to change this now.
  • I got my first stretch marks.
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    If you aren'e motivated then you aren't motivated. I think 20 lbs will lead to 30 lbs to 40 lbs until you do get motivated. You are here get into it and you will really be happy!!!

  • mlewon
    mlewon Posts: 343 Member
    When I realized I was looking in the mirror everyday and hating my reflection. As an extremely positive person, that really takes a toll on your self-esteem and self-worth. I couldn't take it anymore and finally decided enough was enough.
  • I've always been a skinny girl, often getting teased for being "anorexic" etc (totally untrue, I ate like a horse!). When I went to uni, however, what with running around and working late into the night, I realised I was very very skinny, so I went to my GP. He told me that if I continued the way I was going, I would have limited chances of falling pregnant at any point during my life, as well as cardio and bone risks.

    So yeah, it took my doctor telling me I'd have limited chances of falling pregnant to make me change for the better.
  • I have desired my health back for so long, I couldn´t take this anymore...sleepless nights because pains in my knees and all my joints.
    The way people treat me like I´m not worth anything, how they treat me like I was 5 not 37, constantly picking on me how I should do this and do that, tell me what I´m allowed to eat and what not to eat and how ridiculous I look....really hurtful.
    I have been hurt so many times by family members, strangers and been humiliated and hurt by men.
    I like other people want to look fine, be able to dress good in what I want to wear not just something that fits.
    I want to be able to travel, I don´t want to feel horrible as I did when I visited Florida last year, I didn´t feel like wearing shorts, bikini or show much flesh because I felt so bad and about myself. I didn´t enjoy that one time only vacasion like I hoped I would.
    I want to change, I have to change.....no excuses.
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    I strained a side muscle wiping my butt, I lost my breath tying my shoes, and Dr. Diagnosed me with type II diabetes. I have a 4 yr. old daughter I wanna see grow up!
  • merry_abandon
    merry_abandon Posts: 140 Member
    Scarlet Johansson in The Avengers.

    Hahaha, that's me too! Well, the Avengers in general, since they're all so fit and kick-butt and I was just sitting there watching the movie in all of my fatness. I also haven't seen a few of the movies that come before the Avengers, like Iron Man 2, Thor, etc., so I've made purchasing and seeing them my milestone weight rewards. :)
  • ElizBald
    ElizBald Posts: 20
    It sounds as if exercise would be something that would yield the best results for you. Diet doesn't do anything for flab except make more of it. Exercise gets rid of it.
    Exercise can be anything that involves movement. In my case I HATE to sweat so I go to the local rec center and workout in the pool three days a week. I use a combination of calisthenics (weight lifting) and water walking/jogging. In the beginning I was doing a half hour; now I do at least an hour. I easily go longer than this now if I get to chatting with friends during my warm up/cool down phases.
    Some of my friends use biking/weight lifting. Others walking/running/weight lifting. Caring for a horse is good. Grooming etc uses a lot of muscles. Whatever, a combination of weigh training and aerobics three times a week, 30 minutes a time will do wonders.
    Weight lifting alone will do amazing things to tone you up and make that flab disappear. Good luck.
  • serenity216
    serenity216 Posts: 512 Member
    Three doctors telling me I needed to lose weight + weighing as much as a football player.
  • to read later...
  • tuck1jl
    tuck1jl Posts: 55 Member
    When I married my husband. :) He loved me for who I was and I wanted to love myself too.

    I love this & totally agree!
  • ShareeMorty
    ShareeMorty Posts: 324 Member
    I had started to lose weight last easter, lost 20kg and fell off the wagon in october and gained 6 back. The day I decided to get back on track I had pigged out on junk food my husband had bought me and was complaining to my friend on fb who has lost nearly 100lbs about how I wished I hadn't eaten it. He replied "Well darlin you don't have to put it in your mouth" lightbulb switched on and here I am 42 days back on track and all the weight I had regained back off again.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Stepping on the scale and seeing that I weighed only a few pounds less than my fiance...who is 6 inches taller than me...lol Ya...WAKE UP CALL..... That and my wedding is in one month!
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    My mom dying of lung cancer back in '07.

    Yup, that pretty much convinced me that: A) life's too short to be skinny fat and B) the time is now to change, don't wait.

    Sad to say but if she'd lived, I think I'd still be skinny fat. Her death was the only way to shake me up, unfortunately.
  • Noticing that I weighed 20lb more than when I was in high school 2.5yrs ago... It's a sad day to look back at high school pictures and miss who I was then, since I'm way cooler now! :)
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    After Christmas 2011 I weighed nearly 100 kilograms; I did NOT want to be in triple figures.

    So here I am - less of me, currently just under 80 kgs so glad I started on MFP.
  • I was taking my mom to the oncologist for one of her check-ups. (She was going through breast cancer treatments). The Dr. looked at me and bluntly said, "Do you know that by being obese you are increasing your odds of getting cancer by 50%?" I thought to myself, "What a JERK!" and then I thought, "WOW! I need to do something about this!" My gene pool isn't the best, both parents with cancer before the age of 55. My dad also had Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Both have survived, but are living with the residual side-effects of chemotherapy. I want to be here for my children. I want to see them grow up. I want to be there when they graduate college and get married. I'm not saying that being healthy is going to keep me from getting cancer, but it surely is going to help reduce my odds. Thank you obnoxious doctor for pointing it out to me. I knew it deep down inside, but having it said to my face really made think about it, and I now know what I need to do.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I started looking older.
    Then I met a guy who I though was in his 50s and he was buying the same food I was.
    He was maybe 40-50lbs overweight.
    Grey hair.
    7 months preggo look....
    Breaking point.

    Funny thing is I was telling coworkers for 2 years that "I'm going to start working out soon. Gotta lose this gut!"

    I blame Jamie Oliver.
    After talking to the guy in the store and deciding to make a change, his show The Food Revolution came on and really helped me understand the importance of proper nutrition.

    Now i'm making a career change.
  • suncat_at
    suncat_at Posts: 3 Member
    Couldn't tie my shoes without being out of breath.