Going from fat to fit

I'm not exactly new to myfitnesspal. I've been using the site pretty religiously since May now, and have lost ALMOST 20 pounds. I have always been overweight. When I was a kid, I was picked on, and picked last at just about everything. As I grew up, I hid behind this attitude of "yeah, I'm fat, but I'm fabulous." It worked for a while, but as the years went on, the pounds kept adding, and in May of this year, I weighed in at 312 pounds. I am currently sitting at 291, and have a very long way to go. My goal is not to simply be a prettier weight, it is to be at a HEALTHY weight. I have more than 100 pounds to lose.

Aside from being on a weight loss journey, I am a 24 year old mother to one small toddler, and soon to be married (second one for me). My favorite weight loss tools are myfitnesspal, the PINK Method, my friend/personal trainer, and facebook. I admin a group for ladies trying to lose weight, and I lean on the ladies there a LOT. We recently decided we needed a place to share recipes, so I also am trying to grow a good collection of health conscious recipes.

My dieting personality is currently just counting calories. I bought Bob Harpers Skinny Rules, and I'm gonna crack that open tonight. The most annoying thing for me is that I am allergic to dairy and red meat (this was a new development), so I've been struggling with finding ways to stay away from dairy (which is unfortunately in everything I love to eat).

As for my exercise regimen, I see my trainer once a week. She kicks my butt every Sunday. Other days, I just look for fun interesting ways to get in a minimum of 30 minutes of cardio. I use the Wii, and the PINK Method, and I revecntly started C25K, but I'm gonna repet the first week because I'm still struggling quite a bit with the running.

I'm constantly looking for weight loss friends, on here and on facebook, so please hit me up. I've noticed that I do a million times better at staying on the right path when I have friends that I am sharing with.


Hey anyone on Facebook: I just started a page for recipes. The idea is to exchange health conscious recipes. Anyway, I admin a weight loss group, and the ladies were asking for a specific place to share recipes. The page is super new. I think I have a whopping 3 likes, so if anyone is interested please like my new page, and help me build a collection of recipes we can all use to keep things nice and spiced up in the diet friendly kitchen! http://www.facebook.com/LLHLRecipeExchange