Water? true or false.



  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    That's being reported as true a lot lately and I don't doubt the science....just the benefit. By all accounts it's a tiny tiny tiny boost that only amounts to a few calories per day. Enjoy your beverages however you prefer them.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    But don’t run off with the penguins just yet: exposure to extreme cold might do a lot more harm than good and can cause severe complications in people with cardiovascular conditions. Plus, fewer than 20 calories per glass will hardly transform modern-day Val Kilmer back into Iceman.
    It's mostly an article about why it's important to drink water, and the observation that the body regulates temperature. I'm a little confused by the "Well, you probably shouldn't be mucking about with body temperature in order to promote weight loss, but OMG YOU TOTALLY SHOULD!" tone of the article.
  • mamabearcushing
    mamabearcushing Posts: 30 Member
    Its like with hot foods. Spicy foods boost your metabolism for the same reason ice water does. It changes your body temp enough to get your body working to either cool it back down or warm it back up.
  • Wilson336
    Wilson336 Posts: 76
    It isn't true. First of all, you have EXTREMELY little control over your metabolism. There is no such thing as "jump-starting" or "kick-starting" metabolism. Secondly, it does not make sense scientifically. Here's why:

    The definition of a calorie is the amount of heat required to increase the temperature of 1 liter of water by 1 degree centigrade. So let's say you drink 2 L of water a day (a little over half a gallon). And let's also say that you usually drink it at 25 Celsius (more or less room temperature). Now let's say that, based on that advice, you begin drinking your water chilled to 10 Celsius, which is basically refrigerator temperature. You will burn about 30 additional calories daily. And that's assuming you finish the water in 0 seconds, because the water starts warming back up the instant you take it out of the fridge.

    Also, a lot of people find it hard to drink ice-cold water, so you might end up decreasing your overall water consumption.

    ...SO, first you say it isn't true, and then provide the proper scientific explanation to why it IS true (which it is , though the extra calories burned to heat the water is so small that it does not really matter).
    You also add a statement that you can't effectively change your metabolism, which is completely untrue...a simple google and fact checking can show you plenty of studies on that topic (though everyone has a basline metabolic rate, diet and exercise can definitely influence it, otherwise no one would ever get toned trhgou exercising). My point is to please check your statements rather than just pulling junk out of the air and presenting them as though they are true.