Sounds like an excuse i know...........

I don't get time to exercise. I am a full time mum to two children 8 and 5 plus a full time care to my partner of 15 years who has mobility issues. I do everything in the house from the usual cooking, cleaning etc etc to the decorating and diy I never ask for any help from anyone. On top of this I am also a volunteer and PTA chairperson at my daughter's school.
But want to lose some weight but just can't fit in the time to exercise i have tried doing it early in the morning but then i'm to tired in the evening to finish my household commitments i tried doing it in the evening but same problem don't get household things finished.
I am by no means lazy i only sit for about 2 hours a day and thats in small 5-10 bursts and then meal times especially in the evening with the kids.
I do walk the children to and from school and use the stairs when out etc.
Will i manage to lose the weight if i lack exercise (in the textbook sense) or do i do enough already.
I'm currently 165lb (11st 11ib ish) and am aiming for 140lb (10st ish )


  • sarahmoo12
    sarahmoo12 Posts: 756 Member
    I dont really exercise much iv lost my weight from portion control and cal counting but if you could even fit in just 10-20mins a day it will help :)
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    You don't need to exercise to lose weight, just maintain a calorie deficit, ideally what MFP gives you to lose 1lb a week.

    Why not use your "bursts" of sitting around for a total of 2 hours and make say 40 mins of them mini-workouts? Do body-weight exercises such as jumping jacks, press-ups, sit-ups and squats for 10 minutes, walk fast round the block, get a skipping rope or buy one of the "10 Minute Solution" exercise DVDs.

    Hope that helps :flowerforyou:
  • Werglum
    Werglum Posts: 378 Member
    I lost my first 10kg (22 pounds or so) without exercising at all!! People may say that you will become 'skinny fat' but in my opinion that is better than fat fat :happy: Also it sounds as though you are burning calories by living a very busy life. Once you lose a bit of weight you may find that you feel like doing some extra exercise (I did plus I like being able to eat a bit more).
  • Arwen280804
    Arwen280804 Posts: 25 Member
    Sounds like you get plenty of exercise :)

    you don't need to do more to lose weight, but it will make it quicker and will help tone you up.

    Why not, when you do get time to sit, lift weights (not dumbells necessary, but cans of beans), you can also put a can into each end of oven gloves and drape that over your lower leg to lift weights with your legs, so you can work both arms and legs while watching telly. Just a little extra can help boost you.
  • LeeshaNichole
    LeeshaNichole Posts: 179 Member
    I don't get time to exercise. I am a full time mum to two children 8 and 5 plus a full time care to my partner of 15 years who has mobility issues. I do everything in the house from the usual cooking, cleaning etc etc to the decorating and diy I never ask for any help from anyone. On top of this I am also a volunteer and PTA chairperson at my daughter's school.
    But want to lose some weight but just can't fit in the time to exercise i have tried doing it early in the morning but then i'm to tired in the evening to finish my household commitments i tried doing it in the evening but same problem don't get household things finished.
    I am by no means lazy i only sit for about 2 hours a day and thats in small 5-10 bursts and then meal times especially in the evening with the kids.
    I do walk the children to and from school and use the stairs when out etc.
    Will i manage to lose the weight if i lack exercise (in the textbook sense) or do i do enough already.
    I'm currently 165lb (11st 11ib ish) and am aiming for 140lb (10st ish )

    When you are vacuuming do it at a faster pace then normal and add a little jog to it, do it with sweeping, moping, etc. When I'm cooking supper if I haven't been able to put a workout in for the day, I walk from my kitchen to my front door (very fast pace almost jogging) in between having to tend to dinner..I try to do it for at least 10 minutes. It isnt a lot but it is better then nothing. Hoping that helps-good luck! :smile:
  • josephinabonetto
    josephinabonetto Posts: 253 Member
    I only do between 30 and 60 minutes a day. It sounds to me like you do enough to maintain health and burn a bit too.
  • beccalucy
    beccalucy Posts: 250 Member
    You seem really active to me, maybe try playing active games with your children to spend time with them and increase your exercise that way if you'd like to increase it?
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    You don't need more exercise, you should put yourself as lightly active, like a nurse.
    Then you don't log exercise.
    Set your goals and log your food
    You will be able to see which food is letting you down and balance your meals well.
    MFP builds in the loss so you don't have to go significantly under, try to stay within 100 cals to the green.
  • furrina
    furrina Posts: 148 Member
    Quit the PTA and volunteer to look after yourself first?
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    remember "way back when" there was no need to tell someone "you need an hour of cardio"? when people were far more active and there was no sitting around watching tv and eating overly processed foods? long before video games when just about everybody grew their own foods and walked everywhere they went. they didn't need to run 5 miles a day or lift weights and people were healthy. ;) you seem to live a pretty active life style and i wouldn't stress TOO much about working out like a mad person for an hour a day. if you walk your children to and from school, you can always grab some hand weights when you leave the house if you're wanting to burn more calories on those walks. to be honest, i lost a LOT of weight without exercise at all. i just created the calorie deficit my body needed. you can just add simple things to burn a few more calories a day like doing squats when you're standing around waiting for the children to be ready for school. ;)
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    you don't need to exercise but I was going to suggest this...
    Quit the PTA and volunteer to look after yourself first?

    I think that raising kids and caring for your partner is enough "civic/social" duty and you need some time for you.
  • GuruOnAMountain
    GuruOnAMountain Posts: 489 Member
    I know how it feels to be overloaded and feel that you can't give up things but as other people have said, maybe consider giving yourself more time and quit the PTA thing?

    Also, you're kids are beginning to get a little about asking them to take on some chores to lighten your load. The 8 year old, in particular, should be able to do quite a lot to help out and it is a good thing for them, too. You might find if you start asking them to do some things round the house, it'll free up a bit more time for you to exercise and spend time as a family eg. running around playing chase with the kids or playing football or something fun.
  • alicepoppyh
    Sounds like you have a lot of exercise already! Set your activity level at pretty high, go for a 1lb/week loss, and stick to the calories it gives you. Calorie deficit is calorie deficit. You can do it :)
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Yes, you are right; it does sound like an excuse.
    Exercise is paramount to optimal health. You must make time, because you have time.
    We all do.
    It's about setting priorities and making the decision that exercise has enough value to justify in your mind the time it takes to engage. There are no short cuts or easy paths to success, but the path to failure is a cruise to nowhere.
    And many will welcome you aboard their sinking ship with open arms.
    Misery loves company.
    I hope you reconsider and make the time for exercise.
    Good luck with your goals:flowerforyou:
  • lesle1
    lesle1 Posts: 354 Member
    you don't need to exercise but I was going to suggest this...
    Quit the PTA and volunteer to look after yourself first?

    I think that raising kids and caring for your partner is enough "civic/social" duty and you need some time for you.

    Funny thing about exercise it gives you more energy. Losing weight is one thing .... but how you feel is another. I'd rather take the time and get a good work out in and feel great the rest of the day then diet and feel tried all the time.
  • alicepoppyh
    I for one am not welcoming you aboard a sinking ship. I do work out because I have the time and space. I merely have some compassion, can see you already have your hands full and probably burn more in a few hrs of your daily life than anyone who does an hr or two of workout and then sits on their *kitten* for the rest of the day.
    This whole thing is about you, what you can manage, what is sustainable for you. Every positive step you take is just that, positive, better than you were before. So for now, stick to calories, once you start eating better, you may find you have more energy and an urge to exercise extra now and then. Maybe a long way round when walking back from the school, maybe try Leslie Sansone in-home walking DVDs for an extra burn. But if you don't have the time or energy, you don't have the time or energy. None of us posting on here know enough about your life and your responsibilities to make sweeping remarks about whether or not you are making excuses for yourself.

    Feel free to add me for support & motivation.
  • Werglum
    Werglum Posts: 378 Member
    A bit off topic, but have you ever checked out the Flylady? (look up she is awesome, and free and helps you to get the housework done a bit at a time. She also has ways of turning housework into games to play with the kids - I'm not sure if it would help but it has helped me (2 kids under 5, working full time and trying to reclaim my health and well being!)
  • lesle1
    lesle1 Posts: 354 Member
    Try speeding up your walking some. I race my grandkids when we're walking (gotta let them win though :smile: ) They're 5 and 6. I also use them as weights. We play, I swing them around, carry them. When I take them to the park I climb with them. I've taken them on 3 mile walks. We've even done a 5K. I take them to Kiddy Ks. They love getting the medals. My 6 year old grand daughter wants to run a mud run. I told her to wait until next year so her brother can do it with her. Make it a family thing.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Will i manage to lose the weight if i lack exercise (in the textbook sense) or do i do enough already.
    I'm currently 165lb (11st 11ib ish) and am aiming for 140lb (10st ish )
    Yes. I think you are probably more active that a lot of peeps and no, I don't think it's an excuse.

    But being that active and still overweight means one thing: you're eating too much. But I think you've already sussed that out.

    So the challenge you have is to identify what you're eating and when/why and find a way to manage your diet. I suspect that because you are up and about and running after your kids, looking after your partner, you might not be sitting down to 3 square meals, but picking here and there and snacking in between and that's where you are getting your calorie excess.

    I think you do need to start looking after #1 because you won't be around for your kids or your partner if you don't.

    Good luck and best wishes :flowerforyou:
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Weight loss is 100% diet. It really has nothing to do with exercise.