I'm new

Looking for some friends to keep me motivated! I am on the Take Shape for Life program, I am just about 3 months into the program and have lost 42lbs! Currently have a long way to my goal but 1 step at a time!!


  • Tat2dDom624
    Tat2dDom624 Posts: 1,226 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss! You've come to the right place for help and motivation in reaching your goals.

    I'll send you a request if you'd like......
  • jillyjelly
    jillyjelly Posts: 148 Member
    hi an welcome I have a question - what is that program - it sounds interesting ?
  • readyforthejourney
    You can add me...I am not too familiar with the program you are doing but Congrats on the great weight loss already!