bit random... calling all dream interpreters

CupcakeDefeater Posts: 113 Member
Ok so I have had a couple of really weird dreams lately and I wanted to see if any of you could tell me what they mean. There are 2 which kinda have a simular theme but one is a lot weirder. Ok so first one : Im in a huge field on a lovely sunny day with my mate mark, all you can see is miles of grass and flowers. I roll him a cigarette and pass him one and he tells me he doesnt smoke. I tell him I just saw him have a *** not 10 mintues ago and he tells me im wrong. Then I woke up. The second dream is a bit weirder: Im downstairs in a hospital, it doesnt look like a hospital but just a room with loads of boxes and a security guard but I just know its a hospital. I ask the security guard for directions to the ward I need to get to. As he is telling me, a man comes along and shoots the guard dead. I stare at the killer and he walks to the door. He looks at me in a slightly apologetic manor then shrugs and says 'dirtbomb' and shuts the door. When the door clicks shut all the boxes explode and nails go everywhere. I cover my head with my arms and I survive. I then realise that there are bombs all over the hospital. I start running up spiral staircases screaming for people to get out as there are bombs everywhere. Kids and their parents start chucking themselves out and falling to their death. Suddenly im out of the hospital and running down the street, people are throwing petrol bombs everywhere and im running through a town centre. I end up getting lost in a department store, walk though a door and find myself in my office. I run up to mark (same guy as the first dream) and start shouting at him to get everyone out of the building because petrol bombs are everywhere. Im covered in blood and muck. Mark looks at me weirdly then tells me there are no bombs and there is no blood on my clothes. Then I woke up. Any ideas? Its really freaked me out xx


  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    No one can tell you that. Symbolism is BS. There might be some universal symbols, but it depends on what you think they mean. Dreams are not a universal symbolic anything. It's all you. It's in your head. Only you can look at them and think about your life and figure out what they mean, if they mean anything. I've done dream study for years, and I think it's all bullsh*t. It's just random crap from your brain. It's meaningless, really. I mean, they are thoughts and things of things you are thinking about. But, it doesn't "mean" anything. You already know what it means because you thought of it. Don't waste anymore of your life on this. Seriously.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I'm confused, why do you think they have a similar theme? Just because they both have Mark?
  • CupcakeDefeater
    CupcakeDefeater Posts: 113 Member
    See I dont agree with that, I really think dreams are some subconscious messages and if I have a strange one I think about it for ages, some I hve rememebered for years. Thnks for your response though everyone is entitled to their own opinion xx
  • CupcakeDefeater
    CupcakeDefeater Posts: 113 Member
    I'm confused, why do you think they have a similar theme? Just because they both have Mark?

    Yeah and both times hes convinving me im wrong about something that I know im right about.
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    What's your relationship to Mark? In both dreams, he seems to be denying the obvious, at least from your perspective. Is he someone with whom a disagreement between you exists, and he is completely unwilling to see your side of the argument, to your extreme frustration?

    Or, alternatively: sex, your mother, etc. ;-)

  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member
    It means that you've convinced yourself that you're in love with Mark, but you know that if you tell him, that he'll tell you that you're not actually in love with him, you're just infatuated with him because he's not straight.
  • sassydebbie67
    What's your relationship to Mark? In both dreams, he seems to be denying the obvious, at least from your perspective. Is he someone with whom a disagreement between you exists, and he is completely unwilling to see your side of the argument, to your extreme frustration?

    Or, alternatively: sex, your mother, etc. ;-)


    I agree .. there is something going on with Mark or other things in life and its being denied or you are denying it...
  • CupcakeDefeater
    CupcakeDefeater Posts: 113 Member
    Ok so mark is like my brother kind of friend. But we never really disagree with each other as we're so simular. I definatly love him but not in a in love way, the bit that freaked me out most was the fact that I was completely unharmed really throughiut the whole dream except I had a cut bruise on my right arm. Any significance there? X
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    If you think these are weird dreams, what are your normal ones like?