Tricks to slow down when you're eating?



  • thaze90
    thaze90 Posts: 68 Member
    I usually browse MFP/Reddit while I eat
  • etrader24
    etrader24 Posts: 21
    try putting your utensils next to the plate every time you take a bite? that way, it takes longer to put them down, wait a bit, and pick them back up again. good luck (:
  • brewface811
    brewface811 Posts: 106
    I try to drink a glass or two of water/tea before I eat a meal. It usually makes me feel fuller so I'll automatically eat less and then I try and put my fork down after bite and take a drink every other bite. In addition to talking to who ever is around me. I've also heard eating while watching TV causes us to eat more.
  • Sepheara
    Sepheara Posts: 208 Member
    I have a phrase in my head, or song lyrics, and I chew once for every word so I chew slower, so I eat slower.
  • legnarevocrednu
    legnarevocrednu Posts: 467 Member
    I don't know if anyone else has said this already so I apologize if it's a repeat. I really do think eating slowly is the way to go. It keeps you full longer. Anyways, the way I try to eat slower is to set down my fork (or food if youre eating a sandwich) in between bites. Focus on chew, chew, chewing. Also, you will eat faster if you are really, really hungry. I try to avoid that by eating something small every two hours. Good luck!
  • Hakeb19
    Hakeb19 Posts: 1
    Agreed- make a conscious effort to swallow each bite fully before you even pick up the next bite. It helps you think a little more about what you're doing. I find I also enjoy my food more than when I'm just shovelling it in, which I also have a tendency to do!
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    Make yourself chew each bite of food at least 10 times, 15 if possible. That'll slow you down! If that doesn't help, make sure you're not ravenous before a big meal. Eat a small snack, like a piece of fruit, an hour before a big meal so you don't want to pig out.
  • phwoggy
    phwoggy Posts: 5
    I read while I'm eating, usually forums like this! Which I know is rude but it helps me to eat slowly :)
  • seanorawe
    seanorawe Posts: 137 Member
    My wife says I eat like someone is trying to take it off me.

    I just hoover it up
  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    1) Drink a whole glass of water before you eat.
    2) Make sure you chew each mouthful 5 times before swallowing.
    3) Actually take time to enjoy the flavour and texture of the food.
    4) Eat with someone and talk to them.
    5) Figure out why you need to wolf the food down and deal with that. You're not a wolf! Wait, you aren't related to Monica Geller are you?
    Do you know how to use chopsticks?


    I suppose if the answer is "No" then your answer is "Even better!"

    All of this made me laugh!
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    My mom always told me to chew each bite of food 12-15 times, but strive for 15. It always helped me as a kid. :happy:

    I don't eat that fast anymore, and I never really thought about it, but that could be why! :bigsmile:
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    Put your fork down every couple of bites.

    When eating something with a spoon, pick a smaller spoon than you would normally.

    this and also have a drink and keep sipping it duing the meal!
  • Hey!

    I have this problem too! I eat fast naturally and when I'm sitting with people I get little comments l like "was it THAT good? or you must have been hungry!", but I'm really not and its kinda annoying. My fast eating only came in handy when I went to basic training. The drill sergeants would say "Swollow now, taste later". Thank you for the advice. I will try to keep that in mind while im eating.
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    I am the worlds slowest eater, have been all my life, I get made fun of because I eat so slow, aaaaaannnnd my butt is still this big.

    I've just never recognized the phantom "full" feeling that everyone describes.

    I would love to say I agree with this and I wish it were true for me. Oh I wish.
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I have the same problem. I'm getting better at controlling it though. I've just been getting a big glass of water and gulping it inbetween bites. Also, cut up food in smaller bites. Actually chew it. Savoring each bite!
  • NikkiSmo
    NikkiSmo Posts: 180 Member
    I try and drink several sips of water between each bite. Not only does it slow down the eating process but the water fills you up so when you are done with your meal you feel very full! Works for me, just last night I realized I had to fill my water bottle up 3 times during my dinner, and I'm not a big water drinker.
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    I eat waaaay too slow. I'm the last one at the table, always, and the last one to finish. I'm kind of self conscious about it, because people often think that I'm eating a larger amount. I'm not, I'm usually eating less than them, it just takes me a long time.
    So, the things that slow me down while I'm eating:
    I talk a lot when I'm eating with other people. I'm just a chatty person.
    I drink water while I eat. Probably a sip every two or three bites.
    When at home with the option, I always use a smaller fork. It's one of the tips that my father passed on to me after his WLS, and its meant to encourage smaller bites, but also slows you down.
    I find time for my meals. I have two young kids, and I don't eat breakfast or lunch at the same time as them. I wait until they are done and off playing a game or in quiet time in their rooms to eat. I really don't like being interrupted during a meal, because it makes me feel rushed.
    I enjoy eating. There, I said it. I really enjoy the act of eating delicious food, and since I only get to do it a limited number of times each day, I'm gonna take my damn time.
    Good luck!
  • I have a habit of shoving everything in my mouth really fast because I'm SO STARVING and then I eat too much since I don't let myself realize I'm not hungry anymore and end up feeling gross and bloated.

    To help with this, I've been eating my food with baby utensils. I cut my meat or other food up into tiny pieces and take my time chewing. I have a baby spoon I use for my applesauce, yogurt, cottage chese, etc... and for other foods that require a fork, I use a shrimp fork/crab fork since I got rid of all my daughter's forks after she graduated to big ones. The combination of the tiny fork and tiny bites takes more effort and more time to stab and eat my food, so it gives me the chance to start realizing my full-level. I also try to use a small plate so it feels like it has more food on it than it really does. If I eat it all and still want more, I make myself have a glass of water and wait 30+ minutes so I can really tell if I'm hungry.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Mindful eating.
    Don't read, pay attention to what you are eating vs blindly forking food from your plate to your mouth.
    Drink water before each meal and sips during meal it will fill you up
    Put the fork down after you take a bite of food.
    Chew your food, then chew it more.
    Small plate, small utensils and small pieces (makes it seem like more).
    No TV, instead watch what you are eating.
    No seconds, let what you consumed fill you up. Put the extras away in the fridge/freezer so they won't be tempting you.

    Eating should not be a competitive sport. Relax, enjoy your food, taste it, savor the flavors.